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"I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere."

When I woke up, the room was brightly lit from the daylight outside. I was on my back beside Daryl--who was still asleep--his arm slung around my chest. I brought my hand up to hold his wrist gently, taking everything in. It was strange how natural this felt. I enjoyed it but it still felt...I guess wrong is the simplest word for it.

There was a quiet knock in the doorway. I turned my head to see Rick standing there.

"Carl's awake if you want to come see him."

"What about Lori?" I asked.

"She's still sleeping," he said. Shit, he's going behind his wife's back for me? Well I'll be damned. I carefully slid out of Daryl's embrace and walked down the hall with Rick.

Upon entering the room, Carl and I stared at each other for a minute. He was sat up against the headboard with Rick's sheriff hat in his lap. I rushed over to his bed side and engulfed him in a careful but strong hug. He hugged back in a similar manner.

"Oh my God," I said, slightly in shock. I mean, this kid's a freaking miracle. I pulled back and squished his cheeks, making him giggle as I kissed his forehead a few times. We, again, stared at each other for a few seconds, me holding his face more gently and rubbing my thumbs along his cheeks.

"How you doin', Squish?" I asked him with a smile, in which he returned.

"Good," he replied.

"You and your dad are one in the same, huh?" I said to the boy. He gave a proud smile.

"Uh huh! That's why he gave me his hat."

I smiled even wider. "Sorry I wasn't here when you woke up, bud. I would'a but your mom kicked me out."

Carl looked at me confused. "Why?"

I shrugged. "Beats me. But I should go before she sees me with you. She might get mad."

Carl frowned at my statement. Yeah you and me both, kid.

"Hey," I said, lifting his face slightly, "it's okay. You still wanna stick around me?" He nodded. "Then you tell her. And if she won't listen to you, your dad will take care of it," I told him with a wink.

Carl giggled once more and gave a small, "Okay."

I kissed his forehead one more time. "Love you, bud," I said.

"Love you, too."

Rick and I left the room, sauntering slowly down the hall. "So you and Daryl, huh?" Rick prompted. I looked down sheepishly.

"I, uh...we...it's..it's complicated," I settled. We walked in silence once more. It was comfortable, friendly. It wasn't until we stepped onto the porch that I said something. "Hey, I think I know why Lori isn't a fan of me."

Rick turned to me looking intrigued. "What do you think?" he asked.

It took me a minute to form a sentence. I had some options to lay out. Did I want to be vague or direct? Did I want to give everything or some stuff? Did I want to be polite or rude? Well, she hasn't exactly been the best to me since we met, and certainly doesn't give a damn about me. I have helped her with her own son for I don't even know how long, she never says thank you or even fucking acknowledges I do anything. I've tried to be nice, but she's done nothing for me so what's the point in making this easy for her?

"I know things about her that I can garuantee she doesn't want others to know," I said. Rick cocked an eyebrow. I had him.

"Like what?" he asked.

Trespassing (Daryl Dixon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now