Places We Won't Walk

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"We will smile to end each day in places we won't walk."

There was a small breeze in the room as I began to wake up. One of us must have left the window open. It's not all that surprising.

Pulling the covers up to my chin, I mumbled, "Daryl, can you shut the window?"

There was no shift in the bed, no muttering of his voice. Nothing but silence and small gusts of wind


As I turned to ask him again, I was met with an unfamiliar room. Oh, yeah. I'm at Aaron's. Daryl's not here. He's at the Sanctuary.

I shot up in bed, feeling my heartbeat begin to accelerate. I threw the covers off me and scrambled to my feet. My hands were shaking. They looked so much like Daryl's.

Alone. I'm alone. Wait, no, Aaron's here. No, no he can't see me like this. Where can I go? What do I do?

The door. I can't go out. Oh, God, I'm alone. I have to be alone for this.

With quick steps, I went over and locked the door to the bedroom. I began pacing, tugging at my hair and biting at my fingers. I couldn't breathe. I don't know...what do I do?

"Belle?" I heard Aaron call. My head bolted towards the locked door. I backed up until I bumped into a nightstand table. Jesus, Belle, way to be careful.

Fuck, I can hear his footsteps getting closer. Where do I go? I can't be here. My eyes wandered the room trying to find any escape. I shivered from the cool breeze. The open window.

I disgracefully climbed across the bed to the frame, pushing it up the rest of the way. All the while, my hands are still trembling. I'm still trembling.

I took out the screen, placing it carefully inside the room. I may be an anxious mess, but this still isn't my house and I'm not about to bust through Aaron's window all willy nilly.

Squeezing myself through the small hole, I ended up on the roof of the front porch. Wrapping my legs around a support beam, I managed to make it to the ground okay.

I bolted towards my house. I didn't know where else to go. I had to be alone.

God, I'm so stupid for thinking everything was okay. I shouldn't have stayed with Aaron. I should have stayed home. I shouldn't have been outside last night.

I nearly hopped up the entirety of the porch stairs of my home, scrambling through the front door and slamming it shut. I was heaving, both out of breath from the run and anxiety. Tears ran down my face and out my nose as I kept my palms on the door and my head down.

I took a few timid steps closer to the door and rested my forehead on the wood. My breathing had slowed as my jumbled thoughts began to unravel.

What are they doing to him? When will they give him back? Is he okay? Will I ever see him again? What am I fighting for? What is it that we're all fighting for?

A knock on my door caused me to jump and take a few steps back. I remained silent, hoping whoever it was would just leave. A few agonizing moments passed before they knocked again.

I slowly made my way back, hesitantly placing a hand on the doorknob. I opened my door just a crack, barely enough to fit my face through. I quite honestly expected Aaron but was met with...well, not him.

"What do you want?" I asked Spencer as he stood on the front porch with a shitty smug look on his face. He probably wasn't aware of it, but fuck him for having it.

Trespassing (Daryl Dixon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now