The Great Escape

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"'Cause the passion and the pain are gonna keep us alive someday."

The shooting pain emanating from my shoulder down my arm is what woke me up. The sky was a soft gray, the sun just barely peeking over the horizon. I squirmed against Daryl's chest, my eyebrows furrowing in pain with each small movement. Small grunts turned to whimpers, the nerves causing sweat to bead at my hairline.

"You okay?" Daryl asked. His voice made me jump slightly.

"Did I wake you?" I asked in return, ignoring his question.

"No," he said.

"Oh," I muttered before whimpering again as a new wave of pain shot down my arm.


"It's just my arm, I'm fine," I reassured, biting my lip to repress another whimper.

"Don't sound fine," Daryl mumbled.

I sighed, trying to control my ragged breathing. "I'm gonna see if they have any painkillers in there," I said, lifting myself from Daryl's chest.

"Hey, wait," he said. I turned my torso to face him. He almost immediately grabbed the side of my face and pulled it to his. I ungracefully fell forward, my hand bracing myself on his chest. Our lips collided rather roughly, not that I was complaining. Although, the roughness seemed to dissipate just as fast as it came. The kiss was almost desperate as if this was the last one we'd share or something bad was about to happen. Our lips melded together so delicately, my bottom lip softly sucked between Daryl's. There was a soft, suckling pop every time our lips came apart, only to be brought back together like magnets. I pressed my fingertips into his chest. I couldn't seem to shake this desperate feeling. 

Daryl slowly let his lips fall from mine. I pulled myself away and let my eyes flutter open. Daryl sighed. "Be careful, okay? That's all I ask." The tone of his voice went straight to my heart. It was, again, desperate. And Daryl rarely ever asks for things. I glanced back and forth between his baby blues before nodding.

"I will," I assured. I stood, the pain now becoming more evident as I wasn't distracted by Daryl's lips. I slipped my body through the slightly opened door to head back inside the prison. I stopped myself for a moment, half my body obscured from Daryl's view and the other leaned against the door. I turned slightly, looking back at Daryl who was already looking at me. "I love you," I said.

He looked like he fought himself briefly on what to say before settling on, "I know." Just like he always did. 

I walked through the cell block swiftly since most everybody was probably asleep. I found a bottle of painkillers with our medical supplies, popping a few in my mouth and swallowing them. God, I hope they're not expired. This is the best I could do for now.

As I was walking back to my cell, a voice stopped me. "Matthers," it called out. My body immediately tensed at the rough voice in the shadows. 

"What do you want, Merle?" I asked as I neared his crouched figure in a corner of the block. He stood up.

"I don't expect you to take it from me, but I'm sorry," he said. I stood there with my mouth hanging open slightly. Did I just hear him right? He's sorry?

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"What the Governor did...what I was wrong. I'm sorry." He paused for a moment. I was still at a loss for words. "He just...he had me by my balls and I didn't know if Daryl was dead or not and I wanted to get back at the sheriff. I just--"

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