Tidal Waves

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"I can't escape this feeling that somethin' ain't right."

Daryl and I were stood next to each other outside the prison. He told me he and a small group were gonna round together to get supplies from some department store. I offered to go but Daryl argued against it, saying he wanted me safe at the prison. Granted, the last run I went on was the one I ran off so everyone was still hesitant to let me out of the gates. After some minor arguing, I reluctantly agreed to stay back. I trusted Daryl would be safe. I knew he would be.

So together we stood, waiting for his crew to come together so they could head out. Beth had begun dating some boy from Woodbury. Zach, I think his name was. Daryl and I both had our arms crossed as we watched the two of them exchange their goodbyes. They were cute together. They were young, innocent, everything a relationship at their age should be. 

"Jesus," Daryl muttered, "It's like a damn romance novel."

I scoffed, turning to look at him. "And you've read a romance novel?" I asked with a cheeky smirk.

"No, but after witnessing this shit I feel like I have."

"Then what does that make you and me?" I questioned further. "The tragic hero--" I dramatically gestured to Daryl-- "the kick-ass sidekick--" I dramatically gestured to myself-- "who, after much history and denial, fall in love. Have woe is me, be still my heart." I threw some extra drama and emphasis on the last few sentences, tipping my head back and closing my eyes with the back of my hand on my forehead. Daryl pushed me slightly, chuckling. I giggled as I stumbled back a bit before coming back to his side.

"You're annoying, you know that?" he jokingly asked. I wrapped one arm around his neck, bringing my body flush against his. I held the side of his face with my free hand, Daryl's arms wrapping tightly around my torso.

"An' you love me," I taunted before kissing him. It was hungry, our lips passionately and roughly coming together and apart. Despite the typical urgency, something about this kiss felt off. It felt desperate, almost as if it would be the last for some time. I slowed our fervent kisses to more lingering ones until they slowed to a halt, our lips hovering by each other. I slowly opened my eyes, trailing them up to meet Daryl's.

"You're scared," he stated. 

"I always get scared when you have to leave," I mumbled, glancing downward before once again looking at Daryl.

"I'll come back," he said as if it weren't a big deal. I trusted that he would, but I couldn't shake the underlying feeling of unease. I, again, averted my gaze from him. The hand on that rested on Daryl's cheek slowly slid down to now rest on his chest. My body seemed to drift from his. "Hey," he said, bringing my attention back up to his eyes, "I'm comin' back." I simply nodded, not feeling the need to argue.

With a sigh, Daryl continued. "Somethin's botherin' you."

"I'm fine," I lied, "and y'all gotta go anyway."

"Belle," Daryl warned. I looked up at him like a child. "I ain't leavin' you like this. What's the matter?"

I sighed. "Something doesn't feel right. I don't know what it is."

Daryl stayed silent for a moment, studying my wary features. With a sigh of his own, he replied, "I promise I'll come back, okay?" I nodded, bringing my head to his chest as his taller frame engulfed me in a warm embrace. "I love you," he said, kissing my temple. 

"I love you, too. Be safe. Don't do anything stupid." Daryl nodded, pulling away before he and his crew drove off. I stood with Beth as we watched them leave. I turned to her and asked, "Do you, like, not worry about his safety?"

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