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"Don't tell me you need me if you don't believe it. So let me know the truth before I dive right into you."

I'd left Rick to deal with Tyreese and his group, thanking him once again for killing that walker. Ever since Rick left the boiler room whatever we had between us got even more confusing and awkward. Ever since we met we've had some type of connection I couldn't place my finger on. I guess we were flirty? But we also looked out for each other. 

I remembered what he said back at Hershel's farm after I told him he deserved better than Lori. "What, someone like you?" That still plagued me, maybe not in a good or bad way. I couldn't really figure it out. But after the events of this afternoon, I didn't really know the right time to bring it up now.

I kept to myself the rest of the night. Thinking about Rick, that weird-ass phone call -- which I still don't know how that happened. But more so, I thought about Daryl. I didn't want to but I did want to. I wanted to know if he was safe, if he was happy with his decision, if he missed me or the group. I wanted to know what he thought of my last words before he left. Did he care? Did he feel the same way? Did he still want to be with me even though he left? 

I became restless throughout the night. I couldn't sleep, couldn't calm my mind, or at least get it to slow down in the slightest. I made my way to the outside catwalk, taking my usual seat in the center. The air was cool; not cold but not hot, not too muggy either. Just cool. Calming. 

I became emersed in my thoughts, thinking about the early years and the simpler times. Most of which were focused around Daryl, but my father interweaved his way into my memories. After a while of uncomfortably changing body positions, I managed to fall asleep as the early breaks of dawn escaped the horizon.

After some time, I heard a small bout of yelling that woke me up. Lifting myself from my lying position, I saw Rick talking to Tyreese looking distressed and, to put it simply, like a fucking wreck. I understood it, though. He lost his wife. Someone he loved. I understood.

He excused himself, heading back into the prison, Hershel following soon after.  

After another short while, I noticed a truck heading towards the prison. It wasn't any of ours. My eyes widened as I scrambled to my feet. I bolted for the door, running through the block.

"Rick," I screamed every few steps I took. "Rick," I said, panting as I stood in front of him, "he's here." 

"Who?" he asked. 

"The Governor. He's here." Rick's face dropped, annoyance and anger filling his expression. 

"Come on," he said as we ran outside. 

"Carl," I shouted. He poked his head out of his cell. "You're a good shot, we need you." He nodded, running with his father and me.

That asshole let a shit-ton of walkers loose in the yard. I tried taking a shot at the truck or him. He had an eyepatch now. Something else must have happened when they went to get Glenn and Maggie that they didn't tell me. Fuck, whatever, that's not what's important. I refocused my attention to the walkers, the Governor getting away scot-free.

I turned around and noticed a walker going straight for Rick. I aimed my gun at its head. Its brains got blown off before I even thought about pulling the trigger. I watched the body fall to the ground, looking around to see who shot it. And then I found him. Daryl.

Trespassing (Daryl Dixon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now