Leave The City

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"I'm tired of tending to this fire."

I laid on my side in bed after we retired for the night, allowing Daryl to snuggle up behind me. He left no space between our bodies, holding me tightly and securing his hand on my stomach. He pressed light kisses all over the side and back of my neck, enjoying the open space since my hair was pulled up.

"Daryl," I said to him, a small frown on my lips that he couldn't see. He hummed against my skin. "I'm sorry."

Daryl pulled away at my apology, scooting back and pushing on my shoulder to lie me on my back. He sat himself up on his forearm, confusion written in his expression.

"For what?" he asked.

"After what happened with Glenn and Maggie today...I don't know. I feel like I should just...be ready to start a family," I confessed, my voice soft with embarrassment. 


"Like, we've been together for a long time. And the more I spend time with Little Ass Kicker, it makes me want it more and more. I just...I just really--"

Daryl placed his hand over my mouth, causing me to look up at him. I didn't even realize I looked away.

"You're rambling," he stated. 

I sighed as he pulled his hand away, mumbling out, " 'M sorry."

"Belle, I don't mind waiting," Daryl told me. "That's a big step for you and me. I want you to really be ready for that."

"I feel like I should already be ready. I've loved you for forever and have always known I wanted a family of my own."

"We're in a completely different world, B." Daryl pushed some stray hairs out of my face. "It's okay to not be ready. We've gone through a lot lately. I want us to be in a good place before we commit to that. I mean, that's a lot of work to carry around a little thing in you for nine months." Daryl poked at my stomach and I giggled, pushing his hand away. 

"Well that thing is gonna be half you, too, stupid," I joked.

"I will wait for you, Belle. Our family isn't going anywhere."

I put a hand on his cheek, soaking in his words. Although I was still upset, I felt way more comfortable now than before. Daryl says a lot of stupid shit sometimes, but he always knows how to tell me what I need to hear. 

"Okay," I said, giving a small nod.

I pulled him down to meet my lips. It feels like it's been so long since we just slowed down and felt each other. Let our hands be gentle instead of grabby. Let our lips feel each other instead of already knowing the other pair. Let ourselves take our time instead of just doing it between one problem and the next.

"I love you," I told him, the words filling the small space between our parted lips. Daryl smirked. It wasn't cocky, but sweet. He pecked at my lips again before repeating the phrase.

Daryl moved himself to hover above me, never once leaving my needy mouth. Despite the increasing force and tension between us, we remained gentle in the purest ways. Daryl's hands skimmed my sides, occasionally gliding underneath my shirt to feel my heated skin. Mine did the same, just on his back. Always wanted to feel him closer.

"Haven't done this in a while," he pointed out, taking a moment to just look at me. I pushed some of his long hairs behind his ear, holding onto his shoulder with the other hand.

"We haven't, huh?" I replied, a calm, playful tone in my voice. Daryl chuckled behind another kiss.

"I mean, I did eat you out, like, last week," he quipped.

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