Fire Away

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"I know sometimes I get confusing. You might be lost but I ain't losing you."

The days passed by peacefully and smoothly. There were some slight tensions here and there but overall there was a light mood about the prison. 

Carl and I were sitting together outside the prison, somewhat isolated from everyone else. It was nice to be able to spend this time with him since I was sick for so long. He was cleaning his gun while I sharpened my hunting knife and a few of Daryl's arrows. There was a slight breeze that gently ruffled through our hair every so often. 

"Was it scary?" Carl asked timidly. 

I nodded. "Very," I admitted. "I didn't fear death, but just didn't want to die."

"What was it like?"

"Surprisingly peaceful. Maybe it was just 'cause I came to terms with dying...I don't know. But it was like watching a movie. I relived my whole life. Even the bad parts felt serene."

"How did you know?"

"I was seeing my dad around the prison." 

Carl didn't respond right away, taking in all this heavy information. He's still just a kid, I didn't want to tell him these things but he asked. He was young and curious, I couldn't blame him for asking. Hell, I've always been curious to know what it's like.

"I thought about you a lot," I added. 

Carl smiled shyly. "What about?"

"I didn't want to leave you. I couldn't."

He let out a small puff of air through his nose, much like a small laugh. His hands stilled for a moment, staring off blankly.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked, breaking the silence.

" 'Course, bud."

"Why didn't you like my mom?"

I felt a heavy weight in my chest at his question. There were many things about Lori Grimes that bothered me. I've learned to leave it all in the past but now that it was being brought up again, it felt...strange. Taboo, almost.

"She brushed you off a lot, Carl," I said with a huff. "I know she cared about you and she loved you, and I'm sure she was different before this, but just...something about it just bothered me. She was fucking your dad's best friend, she never showed much respect for me. I don't know." We were both quiet for a moment before I added, " 'M sorry."

Carl sighed, shaking his head slightly. "It's fine," he muttered. 

I frowned. I didn't mean to upset him but he did ask the question. I didn't want to lie to him, either. So, we just sat in silence, the air thickening slightly around us. I didn't know what to say or do. I kept stealing glances at him while I sharpened Daryl's arrows. He kept his focus on his gun. 

"Do you ever worry about the Governor coming back?" Carl asked randomly. 

My head snapped up at his question. His name made me shudder and left me numb. I hated him with every fiber of my goddamn being.

"All the time," I said. We were silent again while I finished with the arrows. 

"Alright," I huffed, "wanna go test 'em out?" He nodded eagerly before we went off to get Daryl's bow.


Daryl and I decided to go on a run and hunting trip, figuring the group could use the food and supplies. Rick was a bit hesitant considering I was still technically recovering and the last time I went out I didn't come back for three months. Although, I had Daryl with me this time so he had better faith. We took one of the cars, figuring less noise would attract fewer walkers. Plus, bringing back supplies on the back of his bike wouldn't work out too well. We told Rick the latest we'd be back would be tomorrow afternoon and that if anything came up, we'd radio him. 

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