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"Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me, that I wanna keep."

When I got back to the prison, the last bits of daylight were disappearing along the horizon. Glenn had opened the gate for me as I pulled in and parked the car. Half the group wasted no time before rushing over to me. 

"What the hell were you thinking, Belle?" Rick nearly shouted as he heavily walked to me standing beside the car. 

"I was doing something for the group," I said, as if this wasn't a big problem. Although, I was now realizing that it was. 

"And you couldn't have taken anyone with you? Or told anyone?" 

"Hey, I told Glenn," I said in defense. Rick gave him a quizzical look that was laced with anger. Glenn looked defeated, I guess he actually didn't tell anyone. I figured he would've snapped. Rick turned back to me. 

"We looked all over the damn place for you. I thought we lost you." He paused, placing his hands on his hips and looking down for a moment. "Christ, just, next time, tell one of us and-" 

"Where the hell were you?" Daryl shouted at me as he walked in the same manor Rick had. My happiness and hype about everything I had done for the group were quickly fading. 

"Daryl," Rick said in an attempt to slow him down. Daryl effortlessly shrugged him away, standing extremely close to me with a fire in his eyes. 

"Well?" he asked, urging me to answer his question. I awkwardly cleared my throat. 

"I, uh, went out, and got stuff for the group," I muttered quietly. 

"And you couldn't have taken anyone with you?" he yelled. I cowered slightly, never being one who took yelling and loud arguments very well. And plus, Daryl was actually pretty scary when he got mad. He did things he normally wouldn't do, say things he wouldn't normally say, it's like he became a whole new person.

"Thanks to your dumb ass we lost T-dog, damn near lost Carol, and Hershel got his leg cut off," he shouted, the vein in his neck popping out as his face reddened. My blood ran cold at what he said. I opened my mouth but no words came out. "Next time why don't you think before being a fucking idiot," Daryl grunted before walking back into the prison.

I stood there dumbfounded for a moment or two. It hurt, what he said, a whole fucking lot, but I knew it was just because he was mad. 

"Belle," Rick started before I interrupted. 

"Don't," I said, holding a hand up, "he's just mad." 

Rick nodded, taking a few short steps over to me. He pulled me into a hug with a sigh. "Did it go okay?" he asked as he pulled away. I nodded. 

"Yeah. Really well." 

Rick nodded again. "Alright," he said, "let's see what you got."

I gave Rick his things and he loved them and really appreciated the effort I made for everyone. "Oh," I said, pulling out baby clothes, "I also got these. I didn't know if you had a boy or girl when I was picking them out so I kinda shot for neutral ones. So I got these for," I paused, not knowing if they'd named the baby or not. 

Trespassing (Daryl Dixon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now