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"I hate the ending myself, but it started with an alright scene."

"Belle, Belle, Belle!" Carl shouted as he ran down to the lake. My eyes focused on the boy running for me as I sat up. 

"Whoa, whoa, Carl what is it?" I asked when he got to me. 

He was smiling, a hopeful gleam in his bright blue eyes. "They're back," he said, slightly out of breath. 

I let out a huff of relief, they were back. 

"Come on!" 

I began running after the boy. Once back up with the group, Carl stood with Lori, others reuniting with their families. I jogged over to Glenn, nearly falling into his arms. 

"Thanks for not being dead," I said into his neck. 

He chuckled, "Yeah you too."

I walked over to Lori and Carl who were both trying to cope with the fact their husband or father hasn't miraculously shown up from a run. I placed my hand on Carl's shoulder. I guess that's something we have in common. 

"Come on out, sheriff," someone in the group said. 

I raised my head. A relatively young man stepped out of one of the cars. He was wearing the same sheriff's uniform Shane had when he almost hit me on the highway. He was clean-shaven with lightly curly, brown hair. Not gonna lie, he was pretty attractive. I felt Carl's shoulder leave my hand as he began bolting for the man. 


At that moment, it felt like everything stopped. My heart was pounding in my ears as I stared at Carl being reunited with his father. One big happy family. Anger rose in me and I didn't know why. I was mad, but I didn't know at who or the cause. I was jealous. Carl got to have his father, I watched mine die, not once, but twice. My vision clouded with tears, the hot liquid leaving streaks down my face. Before I knew it I was bolting back for the lake. I didn't think it was fair. Why did Carl's story get to play out like this? Why did my own father have to be locked in his bedroom rotting away? Dammit, I was already jealous he had a mother, whether or not she was a good one was a different story. 

I don't think I was mad at Carl. The kid is ten, it's not his fault. And I'm not mad at his dad. I was jealous, most especially, but I just felt empty. Shit hit the fan and my father didn't stand a chance. Hell, he was gone for way before this started. It all just seemed to happen so fast. Too fast. I sat in the warm sand against the rocks, sobbing with my head tucked into my knees. After a small while, I heard footsteps approach me. I didn't look up. 

"Belle," Carl's soft voice spoke to me. At this, I raised my head. My eyes felt heavy and puffy, the sun seeming brighter than before. "Are you mad at me?" he asked as he sat beside me. 

I shook my head, "No, bud, why would I be mad at you?" 

He shrugged. "You ran off after I went to my dad. I thought you'd be mad at me that he came back." 

I wiped my nose with the back of my hand, sniffling after. "Carl, I'm not mad. I'm jealous and sad, but not mad." 

I looked up, noticing Carl's dad watching us with a small smile. Looking back at Carl, he said, "I guess we don't have anything in common anymore." 

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