You Rascal You

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"I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you."

Abraham's body slumped forward, my hand still in his. The air got knocked out of me. I couldn't breathe. I felt so helpless. I've never been one to fear death, but right now, it's what I feared the most.

Abraham sat back up slowly, swaying a bit with blood running down his face. His breathing was extremely labored. He deserved better. It shouldn't have been him.

"Oh, look at that. Takin' it like a champ!"

"," Abraham forced out before being brutally whacked again. He tried to pick himself up again, this time was much more difficult. I just watched with wide eyes, no air, and unbearable pain in my chest. Hit, after, hit, after hit. My arm got covered in the spray of blood that flew out with each it, some hitting my face. And Negan just fucking laughed.

"Did you hear that? He said 'suck my nuts'."

The sound of Abraham's blood dripping to the ground was horrifying. My hand was still in his. Although, it wasn't held tightly. Oh, no. My hand was merely just laying on top of his limp one.

My body jolted each time Negan brought Lucille down on top of what was once Abraham's head. At this point, he was beating a dead horse. There was nothing left of Abe. He was gone. He went out to save us all. He helped me. And this is the shit he got.

"Oh, my goodness. Look at this." Negan swung Lucille, Abraham's blood flying off. "You guys, look at my dirty girl" He walked over to Rosita, catching his breath. She was a mess. I could only imagine.

"Sweetheart," he boomed, "lay your eyes on this." He looked back at Abraham's mutilated body. "Oh, damn. Were you...were you together? That sucks. But if you were, you should know that there's a reason for all this. Red--and damn he was, is, and will forever be red--he just took one, or six, or seven for the team! So take...a damn...look."

I watched, panting and sobbing. This was too much. We're just people. This wouldn't happen in the real world.

"Take a damn look!" Negan yelled.

I saw Daryl begin to move, causing me to do the same.

"No!" I screamed, reaching out to try and grab him. Fuck, Daryl, why?

He punched Negan in the jaw, pretty hard from what I could tell. Both Daryl and I got pulled back by Negan's men. They held us to the ground forcefully. By the way they held us, Daryl and I were staring at each other. I was crying. He was breathing heavily. There was a fire in his eyes, undoubtedly because of Negan's bullshit, but when he saw me breaking down, his eyes softened.

"I'm sorry," he mouthed.

A man with half his face burnt came over and shoved Daryl's crossbow in his face. He wore his vest, too. Daryl showed no fear, no mercy.

"Hey," Negan spoke loudly, "is that any way to treat a woman? Let her go. That is not how we roll here."

His men let go of me, stepping back into their surrounding formation. I pushed myself up, completely forgetting the fact my wedding ring was out in the open. Negan sauntered over to me, once again kneeling in front of me.

"Shit, doll, didn't realize you were married," he said lowly. His smile was just so wicked. "Who was he?" I stayed silent. There was nothing I could say. " it someone in the group?" Silence. Negan beamed. "Oh, it is, isn't it? Who is it, sweetheart? Was it Red? That Asian one over there? What about Rick 2.0, hm?" He looked over at Daryl, then back at me. His smile just always seemed to grow.

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