Let's Find An Out

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"Burn out when you want. Something that's lost belongs to you."

I stayed in my place on the ground for some time. I couldn't really tell you how long. I let nature take its course, allowing the tears to come and go, wetting and stiffening my cheeks. I was just so tired. So much was happening so fast.

My eyes constantly wandered around my shitty and trashed living room. Glass and broken chairs were messily strewn about. The walls were scuffed and dented in some areas. My knuckles were bruised and scabbed, I'm sure my knees looked the same. That Savior's blood was dabbed on my fingers from stabbing him in the shoulder. I don't even want to mention the small pool and trail of it from his encounter with Lucille. How could my peaceful home become a beacon of violence like this?

I heard my front door open. I kept my zoned-out gaze on the floor, still kneeling in my spot.

"Belle," Rick said, slowly entering and shutting the door.

He took soft, slow steps towards my timid figure. I saw him kneel in front of me. We both remained quiet for a minute. He was tired, too. It was tangible.

"Is he gone?" I asked, my voice faint.

"Yeah," Rick replied in the same manner.

A new wave of tears and heartache hit me then. I was alone again. Though it was painful to see Daryl in the state he was in, just knowing he was here and alive was enough to keep me sane. While he was here, they couldn't hurt him. But now he's not here, and that's what scares me.

Rick hugged me tightly. Sitting here like this made me realize how long it's been since I've actually had a moment with just Rick and I. It's really been so long since he's held me in this way. Hell, it's been so long since we've even had a real fucking conversation. I hadn't realized how much I missed him.

Neither of us said anything for a few minutes. He allowed me to get out what I needed as we held each other.

As my tears slowed to a stop, I managed to pull myself back. I wiped away the last of my tears before finally looking at Rick. He still looked as lost as ever. It's hard to believe how quickly Negan's broken us.

"You okay?" he asked me.

"Okay's a relative term," I shrugged. Rick let out a small chuckle at that, leading me to smirk.

"Still the same old Belle."

"Guess it's just my unhealthy coping mechanism."

Rick smiled a little bit. It felt so nice to just be here with him. With a friend.

"Let's clean this place up, okay?" he suggested. "Wouldn't want a messy house when Daryl comes home, right?"

I shook my head before we both stood up. I made my way to the closet and grabbed a few brooms and washcloths. We got to work sweeping away the broken glass and wooden pieces.

"Thank you for checking up on me," I told Rick. "It really does mean a lot. And it's been a minute since it's just been you and me."

"It has, hasn't it?"

I nodded at his question.

"But I know you've been busy. Just miss you, is all."

We were quiet for a moment as we swept, carefully piling up the small bits of glass.

"I'm sorry," Rick said suddenly. He sounded so upset.

I stopped what I was doing to turn and look at him. His head was down and shoulders slumped forward. I frowned at the sight before he met my gaze.

Trespassing (Daryl Dixon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now