Car Radio

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"I ponder of something terrifying, 'cause this time there's no sound to hide behind."

Walkers in the barn. Walkers in the fucking barn. What if something happened to the barn and we all got attacked and died? They are dead, they want to kill us, that's all they know how to do. Why the fuck would they possibly want to keep walkers in the barn? I had to find Maggie, she was rational, understanding, calm. She could handle me in this situation, I don't think Hershel would. I'd probably get our asses kicked off his farm.

I found her tending to some vegetables in their garden. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down so that we could talk about this easily and as calmly as possible. 

"Maggie?" I called to her as I stood by her. She looked up at me and gave me a warm smile. Her expression changed slightly, I'm sure due to the weariness in mine. 

"Belle," she said, "what's up?" 

I fumbled with my hands, telling myself to stay cool, not to start any more fights. "Glenn told me about last night," I said lowly. Any resemblance of a smile faded from her lips. She stood up, standing close to me to ensure only us two could hear each other. 

"You can't tell anyone else about it," she told me. 

"Why do you have them in the first place?" I questioned. She sighed, I don't think she agreed with whatever reasoning was behind this. 

"My daddy thinks they can be cured, that they're still real people." 

This is why I came to her. I wiped a bead of sweat from my brow, closing my eyes briefly. "Maggie," I said, "they...they're not, they can't. Those things out there, in your barn, are dead people. Their only focus is to eat, and they eat us. Unless you're gonna cut open their brain and rewire it all, they ain't becoming real people again." 

She remained quiet, listening to what I had to say. She looked like she agreed with what I said but still wanted to deny that it was true. "Look," I continued, pulling the picture of my father and I out of my back pocket, "you see this man? He died peacefully in his bed. Moments later, he came back as one of those. Normally when you shoot someone in the heart, they die, right?" She nodded. "It didn't faze him. They only die when you hit the brain. Tell me that's not how a normal human dies." Again, she looked at me swayed by what I said but still made no effort to speak yet. "Look, y'all are good people, you really are. But this isn't safe, for you or for us. They see you, they smell you, they hear you, you're dead if you're not careful enough. You get bit, and now you're one of them. We got a kid, another one somewhere, if something happened with that barn, do you really want that blood on your hands?" 

Her hazel eyes never left mine. Seconds that felt like hours passed before she said, "You can't tell anybody else. I'll talk to my daddy. But please, this is between you, me, and Glenn. Okay?"

I nodded with a small smirk. "Okay." 

The rest of the day passed without much else involving me. I could feel a great tension between Rick and Lori and Shane, but I tried my best to ignore it. I didn't need to start anything else with them. I'd done enough.

Halfway through the next day, Shane was going around the group with our bag of guns we kept in the RV and off Hershel's property. He held it out to me. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"They got walkers in the barn, Rick ain't doin' shit. We're puttin' an end to this." 

"That ain't our fight, Shane," I said angrily. "You're gonna ruin everything for all of us." 

"Like how you ruined everything for me," he snapped back. I cocked an eyebrow. "Don't think I didn't know you told Rick about me and Lori. So you either take a gun and we end this, or you do nothing and cause more problems with that pretty little mouth of yours." 

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