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"Why are entire years strewn on the cutting room floor of memory?"

It felt like days. Days of just nothingness, silence. But the sounds had now returned; crickets chirping loudly, a soft breeze ruffling the leaves of the outside trees. I slowly opened my eyes, my head starting to throb and light aches and pains radiating throughout my torso. I was in the bed inside the trailer, someone had taken my shoes off and cleaned the small amounts of blood off my face. Carl was laid beside me sound asleep. I tried wrapping an arm around him, an almost absentmindedly protective habit, but every small movement produced more sharp pains.

"Hey, hey, take it easy," Rick said from beside me. Shifting my head, I saw him slowly sit back down in a seat next to the bed. 

"Hey," I croaked, my throat absolutely dry, "what are you doing here?" 

"I came to check on you and Carl." He jutted his chin out slightly towards his son. "Said he didn't want you to be alone." 

I smiled, he's such a sweetheart. He definitely didn't get that from his mother. "How long you been in here?" 

"Twenty minutes or so." 

"When'd y'all get back?" 

"An hour or two ago." 

"How's Merle?" 

Rick looked down at his folded hands. His elbows were rested on his knees as he leaned forward in his seat. 

"Didn't make it?" I asked. 

He looked back up at me. "We don't know. We just found his hand on the rooftop." 

I scrunched up my nose. Son of a bitch cut off his own hand to save his ass, such a Dixon thing to do. 

"Shane's saying you attacked him, is that true?" Rick asked. 

Fucking asshole. "No, he attacked me and fucking tried to kill me." 

Rick lifted his hands, "Alright, alright, calm down. I didn't take you for one to attack without a reason." I looked around the RV, taking in my dark surroundings lightly illuminated by the moonlight seeping in through the window.

"Where's Daryl?" I asked. I figured he'd be in here or was that expecting too much? I mean, we've known each other for the past sixteen years and clearly care about each other, wouldn't he...I'd like to think he would. He protected me from Shane--well, for the most part. The events of today weren't his responsibility to do so, and it wasn't his fault he couldn't when Shane tried to...y'know. He threatened him, twice. That's proof enough, right? 

"He's outside," Rick said. "Hasn't moved too far from the RV since. He sat in here for a while before I told him to get some rest." Well shit. "Want me to get him?" Rick asked, tilting his head down but looking up with his eyes. It was a manner that seemed like it would be threatening, maybe it was just the officer in him. 

With a nod, I replied, "Please."

Rick gave a slight nod as he stood, turning to leave the RV after. "Rick," I called out gently, making sure not to wake Carl. He turned. "Thanks for not being dead. And keeping my boys safe." 

Rick smiled and looked down before looking back up at me. "Don't mention it. Sit tight, Belle."

Nearly right as Rick stepped out of the RV Daryl practically ran in. He let out a small huff and a lopsided smile. "Christ, B, I'm gone for a few hours and you're trying to get away from me?" 

A tired and light chuckle left my smiling lips, and I ignored the light sting of opening a cut on my bottom lip. If I had the strength, I'd throw a pillow at him or punch his shoulder. 

Trespassing (Daryl Dixon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now