Terrible Things

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"Now son, I'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things."

"Belle, I need you to watch Carl."

I looked up at Lori from my place on the ground, having not left since Daryl bolted. 

"You sure you got the right person," I asked, "because last I checked you didn't want me around him." 

She sighed impatiently. "Look, I'm sorry for what I said, but Rick and Glenn aren't back yet and I need you to watch Carl." 

"Where'd they go?" 

"Hershel went off and they went to find him now will you please watch Carl?" she asked, slowly losing her temper. I stood up, brushing the dirt off my pants. 

"Take a gun, think before you shoot, and shoot as a last resort," I told her. She nodded, thanking me before she went off on her way.

I found Carl playing around with the grass in the field around the house, a few yards away from the now-empty barn. 

"Hey, Squirt," I said as I sat beside him. He looked up through his hat, his face seeming to brighten a bit. 

"Belle!" he exclaimed, nearly throwing himself at me in a hug. I stumbled back a bit, giggling with the boy. 

"Your mom asked me to watch you while she went looking for your dad," I told him. He nodded, bringing his attention back to the grass.

He picked little blades up from the dirt, a sort of gloomy expression on his face. "Hey," I said nudging his shoulder, "what's eatin' ya, bugaboo?"

He shrugged. "I miss Sophia," he said. Hearing her name left a hole in my chest. I pulled Carl into my side, holding the side of his head and pressing a firm kiss to his temple, just like Daryl. 

"Me too, bud," I said lowly. I rested my chin on top of his head, staring at the open barn doors. "Everything will be okay," I told him. He nodded.

I pulled myself away from Carl, he still looked sadly at the grass, picking pieces out of the ground. I leaned against my hand, tilting my head staring at the young boy. 

"How you doin', little Grimes? Your bullet hole hurt at all?" I asked, poking at his side, causing him to giggle and squirm. He smacked my hand away, causing me to laugh along with him. 

"Not really," he said, poking my side in retaliation, making me squirm and swat his hand away. I began picking at the grass myself, pulling off little blades and flicking them elsewhere. 

"How's you and Daryl?" Carl asked. I looked at him with a playful smirk. 

"When did you become my therapist?" He laughed before nudging my knee, urging me to answer him. I sighed, looking back at my hands. "I don't really know, bud," I told him honestly. 

"Did something happen?" he asked. 

I sighed. "Kind of. I don't really know what's going on, to tell you the truth." I brought my gaze up, looking around the Greene's property. Over by our camp, I noticed Daryl and Carol close together talking about something. I couldn't help the jealousy that sunk into me. But, then again, what did it matter? We aren't together.

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