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"Time heals pain and promotes self-soothing."

I had begun feeling better after I talked with Daryl last night. We were sat in the living room together. He was sharpening his and my hunting knives as well as his arrows. I was lying on the couch reading some book I found on the psychology of serial killers. A knock at the door interrupted us. We glanced at each other for a moment.

"I got it," I said, placing my book on the coffee table.

I sauntered over to the front door. The feeling was strange, almost. It was like we weren't living in the apocalypse but in a real community. This is the kind of thing I always wanted with Daryl.

"Aaron, hey," I greeted as I opened the door.

"Hey," he answered. "How are you settling in?"

"Good, good. How's Eric doing?" I asked. Eric was Aaron's partner. We met him when Aaron found us and was bringing us back to Alexandria. His ankle was sprained.

"Better. Healing up nicely," he replied with a small smile. I returned the gesture.

"I'm glad to hear."

"Yeah. Anyway, Deanna's having a party tonight to welcome you to the community. You don't have to go but she would like you there," he informed me. Aaron handed me a bag he was carrying. "In case you decide to go, these are for you and Daryl. You can also consider them a welcoming present."

I gave him a soft smile as I took the bag from him. I quickly looked inside before meeting Aaron's gaze.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem. Party starts at sundown. Hope to see you there." With that, he turned and left.

"Who was that?" Daryl asked when I re-entered the living room.

"Aaron," I told him, taking my seat back on the couch. "Deanna's having a welcoming party tonight."

"You gonna go?" 

"Probably," I shrugged. "Maybe just an hour or two. I don't like parties much."

"And that is exactly why I'm staying here," he retorted.

"Come on, Daryl, they're trying to do something nice for us," I complained.

"Close your eyes for a minute. Could you even picture me at a party?" I rolled my eyes and sighed at his stubbornness. "Exactly," he huffed.

"Well, you little shit, she gave you a change of clothes anyway so maybe you can wear them some time and be nice," I snarked. 

I stood to go and put the small bag in our room but Daryl grabbed the back of my shirt, pulling me down into his lap.

"You know, you're cute when you're mad," he chided.

"First of all, fuck you. Second of all, I'm not mad. And third, you're an asshole."

Daryl kissed me through his smile. I loved this side of him; his playful side, like when we were kids. I feel special that he feels he can openly be like this with me. His past and others in his life have made him feel like he shouldn't be like that, like he shouldn't feel happiness in this way. Despite everything, I'm glad he doesn't agree.

"But you love me," he played on once he pulled away.

"Unfortunately," I sighed.


After a number of hours, I went to shower and begin getting ready for Deanna's party. Pulling out the clothes from the bag Aaron brought, I had to sit back and chuckle. She gave me a simple yellow dress. I highly doubt it was a coincidence she decided to give me a yellow dress with the name I have. How original.

Trespassing (Daryl Dixon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now