Deep Sea

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"Lose your mind. Lose track of breathing and time."

I began to wake up when Judith started squirming. It took me a moment to realize where I was or how I got here.

"Hi, Auntie Belle," Judith greeted. I couldn't help but smile and brush her messy hair behind her ear.

"Mornin', sweat pea."

The sound of footsteps on stairs alerted myself and the little girl. As soon as Rick came into view, Judith ran to her father.

"Hey," he said to me.

"Hey," I replied timidly.

"I'm glad you're here," Rick added with a smile.


He nodded.

"Come on, I'll make breakfast."


I spent a majority of the day with the Grimes. I was comfortably able to smile more than I have in over a week and I felt safer. I was extremely grateful for everything Rick's done for me while Daryl has been...gone.

Later that evening, I told them that I was going to try to stay in my own home once again. They gave me the same offer as last time, to which I humbly accepted if I needed it.

Even though we cleaned up the mess, I still didn't really have the heart to enter my house. I just didn't want to be there without Daryl. Without my husband. I didn't want the constant reminder that he can't be here. With a sigh, I sat on the steps of my front porch.

I took in the night air. I tried to think of anything but the horror everything has turned to over the past week or so. I miss Glenn. I miss Abraham. I miss the life we built together. The safety.

I honestly don't know how long I spent outside. It was obviously well into the night, as it was rather dark out. I haven't had to pay attention to time in so long. Daryl made time feel nonexistent.

"Hey, Belle, hey," someone said as they approached me. I nearly jumped at their words. Holy shit, was I asleep?

"Huh?" I muttered, flinching up and opening my eyes.

"You okay?" Aaron asked me sincerely.

"Oh, yeah, I'm great," I replied with a yawn. "What are you doing here?"

"Just finished a watch shift and saw you out here. I wanted to make sure you were okay. Especially after everything."

He was always so considerate. I felt lucky to have him as a friend during this mess.

"Oh, thanks. Yeah, I'm good."

"You're shivering," he pointed out. "How long have you been out here?"

"Uh," I started, another yawn interrupting me, "not that long, I think."

"Come on, you can crash at my place," Aaron offered as he reached for my arms.

"No, I wouldn't want to bother you and Eric," I protested.

"You're never a bother. Eric won't mind."

I didn't really have it in me to fight him. I was tired and Aaron had a lot more willpower than I did. He basically carried me the way back to his place. A seemingly common theme now between the two of us.

"Hey, Eric. I have Belle," Aaron called to his partner as we entered his home. Eric then entered the living room.

"Everything okay?" he questioned.

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