The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot

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"You are so fragile and thin, standing trial for your sins, holding onto yourself the best you can."

A number of more days have passed and things have been rather peaceful. Daryl and I had cooled down and lessened our "meeting times". The first day or two was awkward, neither of us really knowing how to interact regularly. We'd occasionally pass each other around the prison, make some type of awkward eye contact, maybe mumbling a few words before leaving each other. Each time he disappeared from my line of sight I'd begin scolding myself at all the things I should have said or done, rolling my eyes and sighing in frustration. And each time we encountered each other a new wave of butterflies would erupt in my stomach, an effect he still managed to give me.

The other day, however, things had finally begun to change. We'd ate together that morning, making small talk of our plans for the day and how our rather uneventful nights went. Daryl informed me that he was gonna go on a run that day, and, out of instinct, I told him to be careful. He just chuckled and nudged my shoulder telling me he always was. We shared a kiss before he left.

Later that night, after he'd returned and we unloaded everything he brought back, I retired to my cell exhausted. Upon entering, I kicked my boots off and rubbed my eyes with a large yawn, nearly falling over onto my bed. There were a few things placed on my pillow; a pack of Twizzlers, a single rose with the thorns carefully cut off, and a note that read, "Told you I was always careful." I couldn't help but smile and roll my eyes. I held the rose delicately in my fingers as I went up to the perch. Daryl watched with amused and awaiting eyes, a small smirk resting on his lips.

"You really know how to charm a woman," I told him, taking slow strides over to his sitting form. Daryl chuckled. 

"Never been told that, but you're welcome." I kneeled down in front of him, both of us staring at each other adoringly. My free hand held his face gently as we shared a delicate kiss before I whispered, "Goodnight, Dixon." He smiled. 

"Night, B."

Since then, we've nearly fully gone back to our typical Belle and Daryl ways. I was always the goofy and annoying one but did it all out of love. Although I was serious when need be. Daryl was always the serious and stern one, somewhat distant from most of the group as well. I noticed he tended to act differently around me than when he was with the others. I had just assumed it was our past history which it very well may be. But all in all, things were good.


I decided to take the free time I had to talk to Rick. His mental state still wasn't in the greatest place and we both haven't made an effort to work through our situation. I knew that with the stress of the Governor on our tail, it was now or never.

He was out working in the field with Hershel and Carl. Hershel was helping us build a small area for crops since we had the land for it and this seemed like we could make it a pretty solid living space.

I approached them leisurely with my arms crossed over my chest, though my heart was beating rapidly. I was nervous to bring up the subject but knew it needed to be done. I took a few deep breaths before finally coming close to the men at work. 

"How's it goin'?" I asked as I entered our makeshift crop field. 

"Pretty good," Rick replied, sticking the shovel he held in the ground and leaning against it, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. 

"Should be finished plotting the land very soon and can begin planting," Hershel added. I nodded before directing my attention back to Rick. 

"Can I talk to you?" I asked a bit quietly. He gave me a quizzical look before turning to look at Hershel. 

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