You Always Exist

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I waited with my cheer team by the bleachers before halftime. The football game felt like it's been going on forever, but it wasn't even halfway done. As the sound went off to signal halftime, I grabbed my pom poms and headed out to the football field. I passed by the sweaty and smelly football players and spotted Hayes Grier, number 7. I've had a crush on Hayes for a while now, but never got a chance to actually talk to him. I looked over at him, and saw him laughing and talking with his friends. There's absolutely no chance of me ever talking to him. He's so busy being social and being the star football player. I was nothing to him. After performing an amazing halftime, I followed my team back toward the bleachers, trying not to think of Hayes. He probably didn't know my name. He probably didn't know I existed.
The next day, I walked to English when I bumped into someone, and my books went flying from my arms. They were scattered all over the floor. It was Hayes who I bumped into and he was helping me pick up my books. "Thanks." I said with a small smile. Hayes looked at me in the eyes. "Hey, you're a cheerleader. What's your name?" "Y/n." Hayes kept looking at me in the eyes. "I stayed back to watch halftime yesterday. You guys did amazing." I felt myself turn a little red. "Thanks." Hayes smiled. There was a moment of silence. "Um, I should be going now, I'm gonna be late for English. Thanks again for helping me pick up those books. I'm such a clutz." I laughed. "No big deal. See you later, y/n." Hayes smiled and turned away. I smiled to myself. How did I manage to talk to Hayes Grier without shaking or stuttering? I felt comfortable around him. He knew my name.
That evening, there was another football game. I watched Hayes. He was really good. He seemed like he was having a great time out there, high-fiving his teammates and dancing around. At halftime, I walked past him again. "Hey! Y/n!" Hayes said and ran over to you. "Hey! You're doing great out there." Hayes took off his helmet. "Thanks. I feel disgusting right now. Can't wait to go home and take a shower." He smelt kind of bad. "You kinda need one." We both laughed. "Good luck with your halftime. You're gonna do great." I blushed a little. "Thanks." I walked to the field, and performed halftime perfectly with no mistakes.
After the game, I waited on the empty bleachers for my mom to pick me up. She was at work and running late, so I'd be stuck sitting here doing nothing for a while. I looked down at my phone and scrolled through Instagram. All of the sudden, someone tapped me shoulder. I jumped. "Hayes! You scared me." Hayes sat down next to me. "Sorry about that." "You played really well tonight." I said. Hayes made a small smile. "Thanks. Great job at halftime today. You guys were awesome." "Thanks." "I want to get to know you," Hayes said quickly. "What?" I turned in confusion. "I said that I want to get to know you. We don't really know each other, but you seem really nice." "Well, okay. Tell me about yourself then." Hayes laughed. "Um...I'm Hayes and I like to play football_" "I know that already," I interrupted and smiled "Tell me something interesting about yourself." Hayes thought for a moment. "Uh... my favorite food is chicken and I secretly like One Direction." I laughed. "Seriously tell me some interesting things about yourself." Hayes smiled, but then it started to fade. "Well...I've had a crush on this girl in my grade. And I don't really know her too well. Do you know how I can get to know her more?" I raised my eyebrows. "I'm not your therapist. But...I guess if you really like her, then ask her out to dinner or a movie or something. Then you can get to know her even more." Hayes smirked. "Well in that case, would you like to have dinner or go to a movie or something this weekend?" There was an awkward pause. I was shocked. Hayes had liked me this whole time. I didn't even know. I thought that he didn't know I existed. I bit my lip and smiled. "I would love to." Hayes glowed and said, "Cool." It wasn't just cool, it was amazing. I've never felt so good before. "Y/n, you don't even realize. I've liked you for so long. I've watched all of your halftimes. I always see you in the hallway. You're beautiful, y/n. I really like you." I felt my face get red. "I didn't even realize you felt that way about me. I've liked you for so long too. I thought you didn't know I existed." "Oh," Hayes smirked. "You always exist to me." He leaned close to me and his lips softly touched mine. I felt my face get hot. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He was kind of sweaty I have to admit, but I felt safe in his arms. We slowly pulled away from each other after a few seconds. "Um, I should be going now. My mom's probably waiting for me." I softly smiled and gathered my bags. "See you tomorrow?" Hayes looked into my eyes with his icy blue eyes. "Yeah, see you tomorrow." I smiled and walked away. I've never felt so special because of one guy who I've liked for so long.

So that's my first imagine! Sorry it's so long and confusing..I promise I'll make them more easier to read as I make more. Hope u liked it :)

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