Locker room

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*Natalie's POV*

Pre-season is the best season. Note that I'm being sarcastic there. It's the last week of August and it's 90 degrees outside and I have soccer tryouts at my
new high school. All the sports tryouts are going on today, so there's a lot of people running around the school. I realized that my mom has been waiting for half an hour, so I juggled all of my equipment and ran to the car. All of the sudden, I bumped into a taller boy in a football uniform. Both of our equipment fell everywhere. I dropped to my knees and picked up all my stuff. So did he.

"I'm so sorry." I said anxiously.

"It's fine." The boy said. I looked up and saw a really cute boy with brown hair and light blue eyes. "I'm Hayes."

"Natalie." I smiled. Hayes didn't say anything. He just kept staring at me. I felt a little weird so I said, "Um, can I help you?"

Hayes snapped out of it. "You're beautiful, did you know that?"

I started to blush a little. "Uh, thanks. No guy has ever called me beautiful before."

"Well, I guess I'm the first." Hayes smirked. "Come with me. I have to put my equipment away."

"I'm sorry but my mom's waiting_"

"She can wait," Hayes said. "Come."

I felt bad that my mom was waiting for so long, but I couldn't turn down the opportunity of a hot guy wanting me to
come with him to put his stuff away. He went to the guys locker room and I waited outside.

"You can come in." Hayes said.

"But it's the boys locker room."

"Yeah but no ones in here." Hayes said. Hayes grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. He pinned me against the lockers.

"You're so beautiful, Natalie."

"H-Hayes what are you_"

Hayes cut me off my grabbing my face and connecting his lips with mine. I was in shock at first, but went along with it, even though we kind if just met each other. He smelt kind of sweaty, but honestly I didn't even care. We were kissing for a long time, and all of the sudden, it turned into making out. I've never made out with someone before. Hayes was taking it way too far. I pulled away.

"Hayes, I'm sorry but this is going too fast." I said.

"But everything was just so perfect." Hayes whined.

"And just too fast." I crossed my arms. "I just made out with someone I just met."

"Yeah same and I liked it." Hayes tried pulling me in but I pulled away. "C'mon, Natalie."

"I'd rather take things slow."

"Okay, we'll do that."


"I want you to be my girlfriend." Hayes said.

"But we just met_"

"So? We'll get to know each other more. I really like you, Natalie. And I promise you that we'll take things slow." Hayes said.



"Okay, then I'll be your girlfriend." I smiled. Hayes pulled me in for a soft kiss. At least we're taking things slow now!

Hayes Grier ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now