First Vid with Hayes

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*Nicole's POV*

"Ahh I'm so excited!" I clapped as my boyfriend Hayes set up the camera for his first youtube video. We're using #asknayes on twitter for our video so we can answer questions.

Hayes started recording. "What's up guys it's Hayes Grier here with my beautiful girlfriend Nicole."

I waved. "Hey everyone."

"So we asked you to use #asknayes on twitter so in my first vido we're going to answer some of them. Okayyy here we go." Hayes said.

"I'm scared." I giggled.

Hayes giggled. "First question. Where did you meet?" Hayes looked at me. "Where did we meet?"

I playfully hit him. "At the park, stupid. How can you forget?!"

"Next question. What do you like and hate about each other?" Hayes asked.

"I love your eyes, smile, personality. You in general." I smiled.

"I love everything about you. But your smile the most."

"Awww," I hugged him and looked at the camera. "Hayes so sweeeeet."

Hayes kissed my head. "Okay can you guys twerk?"

"Oh hell yeah I can." I got up and pretending to twerk really badly.

Hayes laughed. "You look like that skinny girl on vine who can't twerk."

"Shut up!" I yelled. "Can YOU twerk?"

Hayes got up and started twerking like crazy. I fell to the floor laughing.

After answering a bunch more questions we finished. Hayes was talking about some Audiobook thing blah blah blah and follow us on twitter and Instagram and vine blah blah blah.

"Soooo I hope you guys enjoyed this video with me and Nicole who I love very much." Hayes kissed me passionately and put his hand over the camera. This was the cutest video ever!

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