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*Kylie's POV*

After a long day of magcon, the magcon family sat down by the campfire during a chilly yet beautiful night. Shawn was strumming songs on his guitar with Jacob as they sang to us. The fire crackled.

I snuggled next to my boyfriend Hayes. "It's so beautiful out tonight."

"It sure is." Hayes said and pulled me closer to him. I shivered because of the crisp air outside. "You cold?"

I nodded. "Freezing."

Hayes took off his sweatshirt and handed it to me. It was his favorite magcon sweatshirt. I slipped it in and smelt the scent of his axe. It smelt so good.

"Thanks babe." I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled close to him.

"Anything for my girl Kylie." Hayes kissed my head. Shawn and Jacob started to sing Summertime Sadness.

"I love this song!" I said as I joined in. Hayes looked at me, astonished.

"Holy shit since when do you sing?!"

"I've always sang. Why am I bad?!" I giggled.

"You're amazing oh my god. I never knew you can sing."

"Surpriseeee." I shrugged and leaned my head on Hayes's shoulder.

"You look so adorable in my sweatshirt. And beautiful." Hayes whispered. I looked up at him and blushed.

"You're so sweet." I smiled. "And who knew that a sweatshirt could smell
so good?"

"I know. I smell fabulous." Hayes smirked.

I giggled. "You're adorable."

"I love you so much, Kylie." Hayes said softly. I looked up at Hayes.

"I love you too."

I leaned in and kissed him passionately as Shawn and Jacob continued singing as we sat around the campfire on this beautiful night.

Hayes Grier ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now