New Couple

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*Lauren's POV*

"Are you sure we should so this?" My voice shook as I nervously held my boyfriend Hayes's hand.


No one knows about Hayes and I being together, and for the first time, we're going to publicly show our relationship. I'm going to get so much hate. There's been rumors about us being together,
no one is believing them, and I still get some hate. I don't do well with hate, but Hayes always tries to comfort me.

Hayes and I walked outside to see a swarm of screaming girls taking pictures of us. I couldn't even see, the flash was so bright. I started to get scared as we pushed through the crowd. I felt Hayes squeeze my hand tighter.

"You'll be okay, babe." He said.

Then, all these girls started freaking out because he called me babe. I couldn't tell if they were mad or happy. It was probably both.

"Hayes are you dating Lauren?!" Someone yelled. Hayes nodded and pushed through the crowd. Everyone started to push together and it got more crowded.

"How long have you been dating?!"

"You can do better than that Hayes!"

"I ship it!"

"I don't ship it at all!"

That's what I heard. Everyone was saying things. I stopped walking for a second. This was so overwhelming. Hayes stopped walking and turned around.

"Lauren are you okay?" He pierced his blue eyes into mine.

I shook my head no and started to shake. I was getting claustrophobic and overwhelmed. "I feel so overwhelmed."

I then felt Hayes's lips collide with mine. He pulled me in closer and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You'll be okay, babe." He said inches from my face. I nodded and he grabbed my hand and led me to the car we were going into. Everyone was cheering for us or yelling in anger. I didn't care now. Just as long as I had my boyfriend by my side.

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