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*Addie's POV*

Today's the big day.

My first football game as a varsity cheerleader. Ahh! I couldn't be more excited. I sat on the bleachers with my team until the football player started to run out, we ran down near the field and started to cheer for them. My hair was in a tight ponytail with a huge blue bow on top. I felt so...cheerlead-y.

"D-a-v-i-d-s-o-n, D-a-v-i-d-s-o-n, D-a-v-i-d-s-o-n. Da-vid-son! We, we are, we are number we are number one! We are, Da-vid-son!" We all cheered and waved to the crowd. (Authors note: I had a cheer like this when I did cheerleading and it makes more sense in real life lol)

The football game was pretty intense. The guys were getting thrown to the ground, shoved around, pushed. It was crazy. One of the players kept looking at me. I couldn't tell who he was because of his helmet. He was number 7.

Once the game ended, I grabbed my cheer bag and started to leave when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hi..." I said nervously. It was number 7, the guy who kept staring at me.

"H-hi, I'm Hayes." He took off his helmet and he was really cute.

I smiled. "I'm Addie. I don't think we've ever had any classes together."


"Great job today."

"Thanks. You too." Hayes blushed. "You"

I blushed. "Oh...thank you. No guy has ever called me that before."

"Well I guess I'm the first." Hayes winked. "So, um, do you have any plans for Friday evening?"

"Noooo why?" I said in a cute voice.

"I was uh, wondering if you wanted to go to the movies or something." Hayes scratched his neck.

"I would love to!" I said as Hayes and I exchanged numbers.

"See you tomorrow, Addie." Hayes said shyly.

"See you." I smiled. He was really cute.

"Oh, I forgot something." Hayes ran back and kissed me softly. My face grew red and butterflies rapidly flew in my stomach. "Okay, see you tomorrow."

Hayes ran away and left me with my mouth wide open. My first kiss. From a super hot football player. I squealed with excitement and ran home in the best mood ever.

Hayes Grier ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now