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*Tara's POV*

3 weeks is a really long time. Especially since my boyfriend Hayes is supposed to be gone in California for that long. It's been two weeks, and I don't know what to do with myself. It's going by so slow. I have to try and get through this one more week but I don't know if I can. I just miss Hayes so much.

I looked at my phone as I sat on my bed. Hayes is trying to FaceTime me. He's been so busy with meet and greets that I haven't talked to him in so long.

"Hey babe!" I smiled. Just seeing him on the screen made me so happy.

"Hey Tara. How's it going, beautiful?"

"I'm miserable without you. I miss you so much." I frowned.

Hayes smirked. "I knew you'd miss me. So I got a surprise for you. It should be at your front door right now."

My face lit up. "I'm gonna check now!"

"I have to go now. I'll talk to you soon bye." Hayes said quickly and ended the call. That was weird. Doesn't he want to see my reaction to his surprise he sent? I went downstairs and opened the door. In front of my eyes was my blue-eyed boy.

I jumped into his arms. "Hayes! What're you doing here!"

He lifted me up and spun me around. "Tara I missed you so much. I had to come home early and see you, babe."

I kissed him passionately. "I love you so freaking much, you don't even know."

Hayes giggled. "I love you too."

"That was so sweet of you to come home early." I smiled.

"Anything to see my beautiful girl."

I blushed and kissed Hayes's cheek. "You're adorable. So how was Cali?"

"It was awesome. The people are so cool there. I had a lot of fun but I was sad because I really missed you."

"Aww. Come inside and let's eat ice cream cartons and watch movies and cuddle like we always do." I took Hayes's hand.

"Sounds good to me."

Hayes Grier ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now