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YOU GUYSSSS REQUESTS ARE CLOSED😭❤️ last imagine of the story goes to Mikayla. crying rn

*Mikayla's POV*

I sat on the bleachers nervously with my cheer team. This is our first competition. My boyfriend Hayes couldn't make it, he's supposed to be at magcon.

The announced called our teams name,
and we got up. I grabbed my pom poms, and my hands were so sweaty that they were sticking to the fringes (worst feeling ever). We performed the best we ever did! No stunts fell, toes were pointed, backflips were in sync. It couldn't get any better. When we finished, we cheered and left the mat.

"Go Mikayla!!!!!" I heard someone yell. I looked at the crowd. Before my own eyes was Hayes standing there, cheering me on. I ran up to him as he came out into the aisle. I jumped onto him and hugged him so tight.

"Babe! I thought you were at magcon!" I said so happily.

"I'm coming to magcon late. I have to see my beautiful girlfriend do her first competition first."

"Oh my god, you're the sweetest. I can't believe you came." I hugged him again.

Hayes laughed. "You did amazing.
I think you guys are going to win in your division."

"I hope we do." I said. "But seriously, thanks so much for coming to watch me. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Mikayla." Hayes giggled and leaned in to kiss me.

During the rest of the competition, Hayes sat with me and my team. He enjoyed watching the competition. I held his hand as we watched it.

Finally, the announcer was about to tell us who won in our division. I squeezed Hayes's hand tight.

"And the winner of the Varisty Girls Division is...Davidson Day!"

We won! My team jumped up and started screaming for joy as we crashed into a group hug. I turned to Hayes after and kissed him before heading down to the mat with my team. We got our trophy and cheered as we ran back to the bleachers.

Today was perfect.

Hayes Grier ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now