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*Mikayla's POV*

Today is Fourth of July and my boyfriend Nash and I are at my grandma's house with all my family. Nash and I are sitting on an outdoor couch. His arm is around me and I'm leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Your family is so nice." Nash said.

I giggled. "And crazy too." We looked over at a bunch of my cousins having water gun fights and bumping into things and causing them to fall down.

"You look so beautiful today."

I looked down at my outfit. I have a denim tank with white high waisted shorts and a red bandana in a knot on my head.

I kissed Nash's cheek. "Thanks babe."

"We're going to do fireworks now! Everyone in the front yard!" My aunt yelled. We all got up and set blankets and chairs in the front yard as my uncles set up the fireworks.
Nash and I sat on a blanket in the back of everyone. My uncle set some fireworks as we gazed at the extravagant sparks in the night sky.

Nash pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "These fireworks are bright and beautiful just like you."

"You're so cheesy." I tapped Nash's nose. He scrunched his nose and giggled.

"I love you, Mikayla." Nash said, locking his blue eyes with mine. I can't believe he just said he loves me.

"I love you too."

Nash cupped my face in his hands and kissed me passionately as the fireworks blasted. I even felt sparks between up on this beautiful Fourth of July night. We pulled away and I leaned my head on Nash's shoulder, watching the beautiful sight in front of us.

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