Chapter 1

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I'm not a drinker; I never have been good at holding my liquor and I probably will never be. When I drink it's like the thick wall I have up around me completely disappears and I turn into a completely different person. As well as lightweight when it comes to alcohol consumption, I've also found myself to be somewhat of a people pleaser, and when my best friend requested my presences at her 20th birthday party I couldn't turn her down no matter how much I wanted to. I naturally shy away from activities that involve excessive drinking but sometimes it's unavoidable. Tonight, was one of those times

One of the biggest reasons why I don't go out with my friends is because when I did, they always try to force me to drink. It was like a game for them, and whoever could convince me to take a drink was the winner. You ever been the butt of the joke in your own group of friends, it isn't fun.

I sat there in the corner of the VIP section Tiffany had roped off for her close personal friends looking out over the rest of the club. I was trying my best to make myself disappear in the large room of people around me and it was working for a while until she spotted me not having any fun. Tiffany stumbled over to me, heels clicking loudly against the floor as she walked. When I spotted the drinks in her hands I groaned inwardly because I knew exactly what was coming next.

"No thanks," I said as she sat down on the side of me. She was already trying to push the cup into my hands but I moved it away

"Don't worry, it's virgin" She shouted over the music and she shoved the glass into my hands. "and I'm talking about the drink not you"

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked her. She leaned over and whispered into my ear.

"No Alcohol," She said. "and also, that you've never done anything more than kiss a guy on the lips."

That isn't true." I said. She of all people should know. I told her all about the horror story that was my first time. I had no idea what I was doing and apparently, he didn't either

"well you know what they say, if it doesn't fit you must acquit." she said.

"nobody says that, and it did.... fit it just-"

"just drink the drink."

"Are you sure there is no alcohol?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Just drink it." She replied.

Looking back on that moment, I really wish I wouldn't have done that. I should have just stuck to the bottle of water I had been babysitting the entire night. I didn't know what was in the drink but it was blue and it tasted like fruit punch.

Ten minutes later I was in the middle of the dance floor lazily swaying from one side to the other. The haze of the lights and the large crowd around me helped my get completely lost. I felt someone slowly snaking an arm around my waist. The light changed and a familiar beat filled the club as loud music boomed through the speakers. He pulled me closer to him with the arm around my waist as the other played at the bottom of my dress pulling it upwards.

"Let's leave," he whispered right into my ear. I don't know if it was the liquor or the extremely alluring smell of the cologne he was wearing, but it was like his voice lit a fire in me that nothing but my sober mind could stop.

He took me by the hand and pulled me out of the crowd. What happened next was a big blur; I remember the flashing lights as we left the club. Tiffany was friends with a couple of popular figures in the city so it was no surprise that the cameras showed up to get a glimpse at who was partying with her tonight. I remember leaving the club; getting into the car and it wasn't long before we were pulling up in front of a big house.

We walked inside and I was lifted off my feet immediately upon walking through the door. I'm surprised he didn't fall because it was so dark in there and he didn't turn on a single light on our way upstairs. As far as I could tell it was a nice house, but I wasn't paying much attention to that, the last things I wanted to do was admire the work of his interior designer. The only thing I was focused on was him; the feel of his lips on mine, the warmth of his hands on my skin, and the taste of his tongue. I had to have him and he was happy to oblige. That night the lovely stranger gave me everything my drunken mind was looking for; I just wish that he would have remained a stranger when I woke up the next morning.

I woke up the next day to the sun shining directly into my face. The sun was fierce like an angry mother trying to wake her stubborn child for school in the morning. I sat up and looked around the room and that's when the realization hit me. This wasn't a stranger's house. I knew this house and its owners very well.

I sucked in a deep breath and grabbed the covers back catching a glimpse of the person lying next to me. "Please don't tell me." I looked down at myself then over at him.

"Shit," I hissed when I spotted his dreads sprawled out on the pillow. I rolled out the bed and tried to stand up. My feet got tangled in the covers and I went tumbling to the floor. I sat up quickly and looked back at him, praying that I didn't wake him up with all the noise that I was making. He was still sleeping hard as a rock.

I ran around the room trying to find my clothes from the night before. After a few minutes of running around like a chicken with my head cut off I just went into the closet and grabbed something to wear. I threw on a t-shirt and some sweats grabbed some shoes and left.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I wanted what happened that night to just disappear, but I know that with the group of friends that I kept it that wouldn't happen. I thought that it would just be one of the many running jokes they like to crack to get under my skin, but it seems like it's going to turn into a bigger situation than I planned for.

Now I was sitting on my bathroom sink staring at the timer running on the screen of my phone. When the timer finally went off, I reached over and grabbed the pregnancy test sitting next to me on the counter. I drew in a deep breath and I looked down at the test in my hand.


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