Chapter 15: Kidnapping The Princess

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Cheryl Faun

I became fully awake, to my senses, when I felt like I was floating. My body couldn't move at all, as if drained from natural energy. I heard muffled murmurs and beeping and a few clicking keyboards. What the hell? I knew that Leo possibly couldn't have just multiplied into clones. The feeling of being where I was was unfamiliar, and it took me a second to realize that I had been kidnapped.

Leo's cameras are supposed to beep once they sense unfamiliar beings in the house! How the hell did this happen?

I couldn't breathe at all, but it also felt as if I didn't need to. It struck me that I was in a chamber filled with clear, blue water and tentacle-like wires hanging onto me. I was still fully clothed, thank goodness, but I still couldn't sense any movement from other beings. I felt my feet brush against the bottom of the chamber.

Are they taking blood tests?

"Sir. It appears as though her alter ego is about to emerge," a scientist said.

Someone who was sitting behind the window at the wall across from me spoke through the speaker. "Prepare for any damages and repairs. If so, restrain her by using those wires attached to her arms, legs, and torso. You must be prepared to give up your life if she goes insane."

"Yes sir!"

"I shall leave now. I am aware that your captain will take over now."

"Copy that."

Before I comprehend clearly of what they were talking about, I heard the footsteps of someone walking into the room, despite all the annoying clicking and continuous beeping.

Who is that?

"Welcome back, Captain," said another scientist.

"It's good to be back, Sherman."

I felt myself freezing, and my nerves began to overcome with shock. What the hell?! As soon as I heard the voice of Leo, I downright knew that he was with the Blood Assassin and Atlas Bomb team. Of course! Why didn't I think of that sooner?! It explained how he knew their plans and where they were located. He must've been the one who kidnapped me and brought me here. If he knew Tristan before, then this goes deeper than just when we first met. And to think I thought he was nice and kind.

That bastard.

Another scientist spoke up. This time, it was a woman with a soft but creaking voice, indicating that she was of old age. "Captain. What do you have in mind for her friend Tristan Tanner? He may be awake by now."

"I suggest that we kill him," Leo spat in disgust. My hand twitched lightly, but nobody noticed. Kill.. Tristan? "Then, he won't be able to save her."

Almost like an instinct, my eyes flashed open to the word 'kill'. A scientist who had been watching me shivered in fear from the unexpected action, and I stared down at her like an eagle, my hair floating in the water and covering the small glow in my gaze.

"Sir! She's conscious!" The scientist said. It was the woman from before, and I realized she was at least 60 years old, with black hair, the roots almost white.

In front of the chamber, I was trapped in a few bars, holding me in like a prisoner in a cage. My hand grabbed the wires that were attached to my shoulder, and I tugged on them, pulling it out of its socket. The chamber's glass exploded abruptly and crashed onto the floor, cracking into pieces. I fell out of the chamber and onto the concrete floor, coughing out water. They weren't taking power, but they took my energy. I slowly stood up to my feet, catching a glimpse of the proud blonde fucker himself. Immediately, I slammed myself against the bars, glaring at him.

"You fat fucker!" I exclaimed in a pit of rage.

My hands gripped the bars tightly, trying to pull them out of the ground. Leo smiled slightly and walked up to the bars, leaning in towards me as he put his hand under my chin. "You're insults are pitiful," he replied bluntly, only fueling my anger. His eyes twinkled as I clenched my jaw tightly. "Don't worry. We won't hurt you, love."


"You don't get to call me 'love'," I bit back harshly. "The only thing you can call me is your worst nightmare. Once I get out of this shit hole, I'm gonna rip your limbs off one by one until you scream out in agony."

He chuckled, only amused by my retort. He looked back at me, and that was when I realized how cold and icy his blue eyes were. They held a spark of amusement, as I expected, but I didn't find anything funny when he chuckled. Keep laughing. I want to see you choke on bitter karma.

"I can see why Tristan finds you attractive," he murmured softly, daring to lean in closer.

Immediately, I took a few steps back away from him, clenching my hands into fists. He's a monster. He's a fucking monster! The chamber behind me disappeared suddenly, and I suspected of teleportation. "Tell me," I said, still glaring daggers into his soul. "If you know what I am the princess of, please, tell me."

Leo winked at me playfully. "Only if you give me a kiss~."

A chill ran down my spine, and I shook my head vigorously, fuming with utter rage and disgust. "What the fuck are you?! I don't even recognize you anymore. You're despicable."

"Before that was merely an act," he replied, walking around the laboratory. The scientists tried their best to ignore our tense conversation. "Though, my name is Leo. That and my age are the only things I haven't lied about, in the subject of my personal life. My parents are dead— you can take a lucky guess as to who killed them. I don't have a house; I live here." He stared back at me, smiling mischievously. "And I'm not the third wheel. I guess I should say I've been watching you for a while and feel the same way about you as Tristan does towards you."

My heart ached from hearing Tristan's name. Poor guy must be so confused right now. I shook my head once again. "Don't be so stupid, Leo," I responded, "The only thing he feels towards me is some weird sibling bond. That's it. Nothing else."

"So you haven't noticed, have you?" Leo questioned, laughing anyways. He didn't even bother to let me answer. "Naive, oblivious Cheryl. He's saved you from committing suicide for almost 100 times now, and you still don't suspect that he loves you." He sighed, as if it hurt him. "It is truly sad, since you probably don't love him back. Poor Tristan."

I wanted to yell 'That isn't true!', but that would risk him thinking I was in love with Tristan. To be honest, I liked him; he was truly a good guy. He was kind and caring. But I wasn't in love with him. Not yet at the very least. I remained quiet, keeping my mouth shut, and turned away, staring at the empty wall.

"Speechless, love?" Leo asked from behind me. I could just sense his stupid smirk of satisfaction. "Well then, if you don't love him, I hope you at least love me."

"Don't get your narcissistic hopes up," I spat harshly, my voice low, "I doubt I'd fall in love with you, as to seeing and knowing who and/or what you are. You literally kidnapped me." I whipped my head around and glared at him. "I will never love you."

He smiled and didn't look the least bit annoyed. For some reason, this annoyed me to the point of anger. "Sleep tight, love. You won't be staying there for long anyways."

"Where are you moving me then, huh?" I asked out of bitter curiosity and rage. "Are you moving me to Africa and planning on shoving me down a lion's throat after taking my power?"

He seemed amused, but then again, he was amused at anything I said. "Love, if you don't shut the hell up, I might do just that."

I growled, and clenched my fists.

This little piece of—

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