Chapter 46: My Name Is Caleb

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Into one's pain, Cheryl Faun and Miss Tanner have survived through months of pain and suffering. With her head held high, Miss Tanner is determined to make Cheryl forget about the pain from Tristan's death. Cheryl, being the teenage fanatic of the century, had been asked many times to accompany boys to prom. Several times, she rejected them and ignored their presence. She skipped what was said to be the light of everyone's high school years. When high school came to an end, Miss Tanner was able to snatch the curiosity of her old university and enrolled Cheryl into it.

~ Time Skip ~


The huge building in front of me seemed to be as big as my imagination. It looked way better than what it looked like on the internet. It felt like it has been almost a year, and it probably must've been only a few months. Ever since Tristan's death, I couldn't seem to be able to stabilize my sense of time at all. For all I knew, I had finally been able to get out of the crummy high school and into a good university. I heard the door open, and Miss Tanner had smiled. I got out of the car, and she opened the trunk. She lifted out my suitcase and placed it next to me.

"If you need anything," she said, lugging the suitcase out of the trunk, "don't hesitate to call me. If something happens, tell me. Anything interesting? You know what to do." She counted the bags and nodded to me. "That's all of them."

I grabbed the handles of the suitcases and pulled on the bags, swinging them over my shoulder. Miss Tanner slipped into the car. Swiftly, I made my escape to the direction of the doors.

"Have a great first day at here!" Miss Tanner exclaimed, waving from the car. "Don't cause any trouble!"

"I won't," I replied loud enough for her to hear.

Miss Tanner drove off, and my eyes seemed to linger at it as it got further and further away. I looked at the university. It'll be fun here. The word fun was a foul thought. I stopped in my tracks and let go of the suitcases. Tristan.. I looked up at the clear sky, wisps of clouds barely smearing the blue canvas. Are you watching over me..? I closed my eyes and put my hand on the owl charm of my necklace. Wish me luck. I opened my eyes and kissed the charm before heading off into the university.

Too bad new schools didn't mean new beginnings.


Looking at the card in my hand, I peered back up at the door. Room C497. I was one of the lucky few who got to snatch the chance and grab a dorm for themselves. I know it was a petty thing to do, but hey! Not everyone gets to have the chance of living alone in college. Besides, the more isolated I was, the more I would drown in my thoughts of silence. I walked out of the dorm and down the hall. There was an assembly at the huge auditorium, and everyone had to attend it. I didn't want to go, but there would be extra credit for it.

Stupid, right?

This was probably the first time in five years that I had to work hard. Speaking of which, there were a lot of changes after the past several months. My hair had remained with purple streaks, and grew as long as what my alter ego's hair was. To contain it, I kept it in a messy braid. Basically, I looked like my alter ego. The only difference was that all the new characteristics were on my left side. The music notes dotted the left side of my face, as well my left arm. My left eye had been consumed in a beautiful amethyst purple. Doctor Hansen said that it was a sign that I had complete control of my music attribute.

Many people commented on my new look, some positive comments and others as insults. Let's just say the people with dumbass insults had walked away with the true meaning of terror haunting them.

Quickly walking down the flight of steps, I heard other steps behind me. I glanced over my left shoulder and saw a young man around my age trying not to trip over the steps. He had plain brown eyes as far as I could tell. His hair was jet black, and a silver lip piercing hung from his bottom lip. He seemed to notice my eyes on him because he had looked up and our eyes met. We both froze in our spots. His eyes looked even more beautiful when the light shined on them. It was now clear to see his eyes were indeed hazel, but a splash of green was evident in them.

"Hello!" He greeted kindly with a small wave, breaking the silence. He was clearly not from America and was most likely from Australia. "Aren't you the famous Cheryl Faun?"

I didn't reply.

"Not much of a talker, are you?" He questioned. His eyes shimmered, as if finding it amusing.

I whipped around and ignored him again, speeding down the steps. Crowds of students were shoved in the hall, and I ended up being next to the boy again. He had on a grey t-shirt and black jeans, a white leather jacket thrown on his shoulders. If someone spills something on that white jacket, I'm going to actually burst out laughing. I tried to ignore him as conversations were thrown about, but it only made it awkward.

I then looked at him and asked stonily, "You're not from here, are you?" He snapped his attention to me and blinked. "I'm guessing you're Australian."

The boy put a hand behind his head, smiling down at me. "Yeah. I'm Australian. Lucky guess."

I rolled my eyes. "Your accent says a lot. It was actually pretty obvious."

Suddenly, the crowd had pushed him against me. I squeaked slightly when his head bumped onto mine. My hand went up to my forehead, feeling the pain. That's gonna leave a bruise for sure... He was towering over me, looking down at me awkwardly. I blushed when it brought back a memory, and I pushed him away.

"I have personal space you know!" I exclaimed.

The boy put his hands together and bowed slightly. "I'm so sorry! I really didn't have a choice in the matter!"

I sighed, and we both walked as the crowd slithered into the doors of the auditorium. "What's your name, dumbass?" I asked, my arms crossed.

I sat down on a seat with the boy sitting down next to me. He looked over at me with his eyes bright, happy I had accepted him. So much for isolation. The boy grinned like an idiot and responded.

"My name is Caleb."

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