Chapter 18: Escape

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Cheryl Faun (Alter Ego)

"She's almost awake."

"Before we hand her over to Captain Leo, let's see if she can give us something in return for reviving her power again!"

"Highly unlikely, Sherman."

"Well, don't come crying to me when I have powers!"

My eyes snapped open abruptly, and the alarms began blaring in the white room. A scientist with frizzy red hair jumped with glee. "She's awake!"

They all looked in awe, standing in front of the chamber I was kept in, and I smiled. "If you can," I said innocently with a soft voice, "Would you be so kind as to releasing me from these wires?"

"Yes ma'am!" Another scientist exclaimed.

I smirked.

How convenient.

The wires detached from my arms, legs and torso. Finally! I'm alive! I'm fucking alive! From the little space in the chamber, I stretched my arms and legs out in the water. Surprisingly I wasn't soaked at all, and I could breath properly. Stretching lightly, I sighed.

"Now, I heard you wanted something?"

"Oh yes. We wanted to ask you if you would give us something in return for releasing you."

I smiled for a second, thinking that it was a funny joke. That was until I saw the hope in their eyes glistening against the blue light. It didn't seem so funny anymore. The smile on my face disappeared, but I quickly forced it back on, just for show.

"Why, of course!" I exclaimed cheerfully.


No way in hell is THAT happening.

Their eyes seemed to widen in admiration. Suddenly, I banged a fist against the glass, shattering the chamber. A scientist screamed when the water flooded out, letting me settle onto my feet. A few of the scientists grabbed anything from their desk— anything they could get their hands on. I couldn't help but giggle when somebody grabbed a pencil. As if that could do anything to me.

"Ah, such a healthy scream," I cooed softly, sending a sharp look at the scientist. She whimpered and cowered behind her desk of pure white.


"S-Stay back!" Someone yelled, almost trying to feel brave.

I raised an eyebrow at the man, and he remained silent, his knuckles turning white from holding the ruler in his hand. I sighed and shook my head, looking up a little. The poor things weren't taught any self-defense at all. Such a shame.

"Now," I said, peering at the trembling scientists. Their white lab coats made them look like shivering white seals instead of humans. How utterly pathetic. "If you don't mind, I'll be leaving. If anybody asks where I went, tell them I escaped. Just the pure truth."

They all nodded simultaneously in terror. I walked towards the steel door, holding the handle. For a second, I halted. Then I glanced over my shoulder. A sharp smile crawled into my face, making them tremble.

"Don't forget to tell Leo about how terrified you were of me~."

I opened the handle and slammed it shut, almost breaking the wall around it.


Tristan Tanner

I looked through all of the money on my desk, grinning at myself in delight. I managed to convince myself that college wouldn't be college if I didn't go with Cheryl. Yes, I did find out which college she wanted to go to. Just— Just, don't ask. All of my college funds were sprawled out on the dining table, and I was able to use half of it to get to Arizona.

I carefully put every penny back into a safe spot (my suitcase) and decided to go tomorrow. I couldn't feel my legs, letting them take me to my bed. The whole situation was stressing me out, and I didn't sleep for quite some time. I fell over and collapsed onto it, sighing deeply.

Just wait a little longer.

When I wake up, I'll save you.


When I woke up to hear police sirens hollering near the end of the street, I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. I grabbed a sweatshirt and slipped into it, putting on some grey slippers. Lazily, I walked out of my house, and surprisingly the neighbors were doing the same, hiding their children behind them. They usually never even bothered to come out when they heard sirens, but I guessed this was different.

Miss Lyre, an old woman who lived next to me, looked at me with worry. "Oh dear! Do you see what's happening, Tristan?"

"No ma'am," I replied, "not at all."

I carefully walked down the street until I saw bright yellow and red sirens stuck into the snow, warning people to clear off. I didn't have much interest in this, but a nerve was tingling, keeping me awake. I also needed to find Cheryl as well, so I didn't have time. A policeman grabbed my wrist, making me pull it back.

"What the—"

"Sir," he interrupted, "you know Cheryl Faun, correct?" I felt my blood freeze in the cold. I put my hands in my pockets and nodded slowly, cautious of what was going on. "Please come with me."

He walked over the yellow tape, which I ducked below. He continued to lead me to the center of the commotion as I peered around. Trees were broken, rocks were destroyed, and snow was bright red, as if blood was poured into it. A knife laid next to a figure of a girl's body in the snow. I shivered at the sight of the dead corpse and felt as if someone just dug my own grave looking at it.


The sudden and familiar voice shook my balance a little. I looked up and saw Cheryl— or, someone who looked like Cheryl but a little different— being held down by at least five police officers, her hands being held into cuffs. She sent me a sweet but snarky smile, and I didn't feel like talking.

"What.. happened to you..?" I whispered, trying to walk closer towards her. The policeman held me back.

Cheryl rolled her eyes, "What? You don't think it's me?" A sinister smile appeared on her lips. "Of course it's me! Or my alter ego at least. If that makes any sense at all."

"What did you do?" I asked, my heart hardening to keep my spirit strong. I didn't feel strong at all seeing her like this. Cheryl's hands were bloodied, and I tried to look away from them.

"Oh, I just killed this one girl.." she replied, trailing off with a tease in her voice.

She.. what?

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