Chapter 44: Cheryl

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With the current news abuzz, Cheryl Faun has become a heroic sensation. Many news reporters and students from her school plead her for any information on what it was like, but the doors to her heart have officially closed down. Along with that, this means she had gone back to her normal self: the mysterious, cold, high school senior with no future planned out ahead yet. Now, shall we take a peek at her current life?

Cheryl Faun

"Oh my god, Cheryl, hey!"

Shut up.

"Girl! Come sit with us!"

I'd rather not.

"Isn't she fucking hot?"

Say that again; I dare you.

Life right now wasn't good. I have officially been healed, and people have—... let's just say they've been crossing the line by a thousand miles.

My hair had been pulled into a braid, purple streaks lined in them. It might've been something to do with the music attribute. Or, that was what Doctor Hansen assumed. I had on a warm white knitted sweater and black jeans paired up with it. Again, Miss Tanner pushed me into one of Tristan's clothes: a very comfortable and warm black jacket that he had stuffed in his closet. The sleeves were too big for my arms, and the torso— don't even get me started. The jacket had reached down to mid-thigh, and the torso hung loosely from my body.

It was confirmed that Miss Tanner had an infatuation with me wearing Tristan's clothes.

I had left one sleeve up (it was out of habit because of a long injury I had), and my arm showcased a long scar following from my wrist to my elbow. My face, again because of the music attribute, had small, glowing music notes on the left side. My left eye glowed purple a few times, and I sighed. I probably look like a fucking mess right now. I sat down on the lonely lunch table and picked at the food. My headphones were around my neck, and I rolled my eyes at the stares. Comments were thrown around, and I heard a few of them.

"Her style changed," said a scarlet.

A blonde pointed out, "Oh, my, gosh! I think she's wearing one of Tristan's jackets!"

"You are so right! I've seen him wear that before!"

A brunette frowned, "But like, isn't he dead or something—"

She was interrupted. My eyes flashed open, and I somehow appeared on the table the girls were sitting at. One knee pointed down at the table, and my hand grabbed a fistful of the brown cashmere scarf the brunette was wearing. Her blue eyes widened at the sudden confrontation. The cafeteria silenced when they heard a few of the girls squeal. I stared right into her soul, my left eye turning purple.

"Don't ever speak of his name unless you have a death wish that I could grant you willingly."

The brunette whimpered, and I let go of her scarf. I pushed myself up, standing on the table. I looked at everyone else in the cafeteria, all eyes on me.

"The same goes for all of you," I stated, "Cross that line, and I will personally escort you to hell. Now start talking and cram your face holes with food."

Everyone reluctantly continued on with their day. I jumped off the table and heard the brunette whimpering to her friends as I slammed the cafeteria doors shut.


"How was school today, Little Miss?" Miss Tanner asked me.

I shrugged and threw my backpack on the couch. "It was okay. A lot of drama, but the school managed to block out the paparazzi so there won't be any articles on me with pictures anytime soon." I sat down and looked at the plate of food she had prepared for me, grabbing the fork.

Miss Tanner nodded. "That's good. This morning I forgot to mention that Tristan's uncle is coming soon to meet you. He's an author, and he's truly inspired by your tale." My eyes widened. "You know the author Jonas Tanner, right? I've seen you reading his books before. That's Tristan's uncle on his father's side."

"Jonas Tanner.." I murmured. "He's a great author. Why is he coming here though?"

"As always, he wants to write a biography about you, just as he has written many other biographies."


Miss Tanner put down a plate of lasagna. She wiped her hands on her apron and said, "I'm going to get myself changed. If someone knocks soon, check to see if a man with an old Polaroid around his neck comes by. That'll most likely be Jonas."

I nodded.

Miss Tanner headed off, and I stared at the plate of food.

The world is moving too fast. And I can't seem to keep up. My hand gripped the fork in my grasp. I'm so used to Tristan slowing down time. Then, it's just us in our own little world. And that little world faded as soon as Tristan stopped breathing. My own emotions took the best of me, and I stood up, throwing the fork at the wall. It chucked through the paint layer, crumbling the paint a little. I clicked my tongue and sat down again, putting my face in my hands. I just wanted him to come back. So that I could have a reason to live.

This world of ours is too fast. I'm falling behind. As soon as I miss a beat, this world will crumble before my eyes. And I'll never wake up.

I bit my tongue harshly so that I wouldn't cry, and I felt the blood oozing inside my mouth. Crap. I stood up and pushed my chair in, walking towards the sink. Grabbing a cup and filling it with water, I put the water in my mouth and spit it into the sink. The red blood swirled and entered the drain, washing away. Dammit. I wish I could sleep for an eternity and never wake up again. My hand gripped the cup, and I put water in my mouth again, spitting it out.

Even if I never wake up, the nightmares will follow me to the ends of the earth.

And I'll never see happiness again.

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