Chapter 29: The First To Love Her

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I'm.. alive..?

A thick headache was banging around in my head. My eyes wouldn't open up. Where am I? There was no possible way I could've survived that bullet to the head. Something was wrong. I felt my hand move and found myself barely able to open my eyes, just a little bit. Something purple was surrounding me, glowing brightly like the sun.


I looked up, and to my surprise, I almost choked on myself. Cheryl was still in the swirl of tentacles, but the left side of her body.. was glowing purple. She was crying, but the tears of her left eye only swirled up onto her face, dotting music notes on half of it. She's merging with her music attribute?! An incomplete transformation could kill her with two people sharing a brain! I couldn't hear anything from outside of the force field around me.

That was, until I heard receding footsteps. Leo.. you little coward.

Suddenly, the tentacles were set ablaze. They melted into a black goo, and Cheryl knelt onto the floor, trying to breath properly. Her eyes met mine, and I couldn't believe my what I was seeing. Her right eye was normal, yet her left eye was purple. The force field disappeared, and she clumsily stumbled over towards me. She helped me sit up, pulling my torso against her body.

"Tristan!" She exclaimed. "Wake up, please! Say something!" I merely looked at her, trying to find out how she could possibly have two different eye colors. Her eyes were filled with tears, and she hugged me tightly, my head resting on her shoulder. She's warm... "Don't be so fucking stupid next time, you idiot!"

I nudged my head against hers and felt her tears pouring onto my shirt. "I'm.. sorry..." I managed to croak out. She grabbed fistfuls of my shirt and began cussing at me, her emotions flying wildly.

I'm sorry.

After managing to calm down, Cheryl knelt on the floor, letting me rest on her lap. She wiped her hand across her face, brushing away her tears. "Do you have any idea how scared I was..?" She asked quietly. Her hand touched my face, as if trying to figure out if I was a hallucination. "I don't think I'd be able to live with myself.."

Cheryl Faun

Please stop trying to save me. I can't take anymore of this. I poked Tristan's cheek lightly, and a faint blush was spread across his face. A small, lifeless smile appeared on my lips, and I put my hand behind his head. He's so stupid sometimes... I leaned forward and kissed his forehead, making him blush even more.

"Have you noticed that you're surviving an incomplete transformation?" Tristan asked, his voice quiet.

I nodded slowly. "But I feel fine. My alter ego hasn't said anything yet." To be real, I can feel her presence in my mind. But it's fading, almost giving up. I looked around, confused. "Leo ran away right?"

"Yeah." A moment of silence passed, and I felt Tristan face me, shifting his head on my lap. "Cheryl?"


His face flushed. "You know how Leo said if you loved me, you had to offer your life to him in order to save mine?" I felt my cheeks redden, and I reluctantly nodded. "If you had to make the choice, would you have done it?"

The air fell silent. His green eyes blazed brightly with seriousness, and yet he seemed to enjoy that I was blushing the flip out of my mind. I looked away and bit my lip, trying to think of an answer. Of course I would! I mean, I don't want him to die. But that means I love him right? NO. It just means I don't want him to die because of me. I inhaled swiftly and nodded, blushing furiously.

"Yes," I answered. I instinctively played with my fingers. "Yes, I would.." I stared at him, and his eyes were widened at my words. "D-Don't give me that look," I added, "It makes me think you're thinking of something strange. I just wouldn't want you to die because of me."

"Cheryl." His voice was softer this time, and I turned back to look back up at him. "Do you love me?"

All of a sudden, I shivered at his question. In a quick second, I was blushing more than I ever had, with my hands on the floor to keep me up because, in complete honesty, I felt like I was falling.

"W-Why would you ask that out of nowhere?!" I crossed my arms, and my cheeks puffed out. "D-Do you seriously expect me to answer that?!"

Tristan's eyes sparkled, and I felt my heart beating out of my rib cage. I felt self-conscious of him being on my lap, trying to ignore the warm feeling in my stomach.

"I actually do expect you to answer my question. The answer is very important to me." He lifted himself and sat up correctly, turning to look at me. "I mean, for just about two or three months, we've been through a lot."

I blushed and hugged myself when he reminded me.

He saved me from my family's murderer. He ate out with me to comfort me. He gave me his phone number. He was trapped in a closet with me. He made me blush, A LOT. He hugged me when I was cold, and I slept in his arms. He fed me. He took care of me. He also kept me company at school during lunch. He took me out to snowboard. He fought alongside me. He helped me. He worried about me. He teased me. He gave me too much, and I couldn't return the favor.

So do I love him?


Yes I do.

Would I ever tell him?

Honestly.. I'm too scared to.

"I— I don't want to say," I stuttered in response, looking down at my lap as my hands rested on my thighs. I bit my lip again and said, "I'm scared you'll think I'm being overly emotional if I say something wrong."

Tristan put a hand underneath my chin and lifted my head up. I had to look at him and saw his emerald green eyes glowing. "I don't care what your answer is. I just want to know so that I can bring myself to tell you what I think of you." He leaned in a little, and I blushed, my cheeks burning. "If you don't tell me, I think I might just tell you anyways."


"I fucking love you, and I have for years," Tristan said confidently, interrupting me briefly. "And I will for as long as I live. With you, it's different. I love the feeling of being with you. That is why I keep you from entering the depths of hell."

I saw the look in his eyes. It's full of love I don't deserve. His hands held my face softly, cradling it carefully, and I instinctively reached up to grab his wrists, but it was already too late.

Tristan Tanner kissed me.

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