Chapter Five

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My alarm blaring the next morning woke me up reluctantly. I tried my best to ignore it. I pulled my pillow over my head trying to drown out the horrible noise. Nothing worked the blaring alarm rang through my head. A head ach was an understatement. I literally felt like my head was going to explode.

I threw the pillow at the alarm hoping it would magically shot it off. All it did was knock it on the floor even farther away from me.

"Fuck!" I yelled and instantly regretted it as it felt like I just stuck an ice pick through my eye.

I whipped the blanket off me and forced myself to roll off the bed literally landing on the floor next to the alarm with a loud and hard thud. I laid there for a second staring at the damn alarm clock before hitting the off button.

I could not help but groan as I pushed my hung over ass up off the ground. I looked down at myself and was disgusted that I ever let myself dress like this for a few bucks.

I looked at my phone that I had forgotten to plug in. it was at twenty-six percent. I quickly plugged it in and ran or hobbled to the shower. I only had forty-five minutes to make it to the dinner. I stripped down letting my clothes land where they fell and stepped into the steaming shower. Jar would always yell at me for steaming up the bathroom. Luckily for me, she was already gone. I needed a nice scalding hot shower.

Unfortunately, I did not have the time to enjoy it as I needed to get this done fast. I quickly washed my hair and body and jumped out of the shower. I had not grabbed a towel so I had to Indore the cold air as I made my way back to my room.

I pulled on my underwear not even bothering to search for a towel to dry off with.

I wiggled my fat ass up into my black jeans and sucked it in as I forced them closed. I really needed to save some money so I could buy clothes that fit.

I then pulled a white tea over my head. I grabbed my hair brush off the dresser and quickly brushed out the notes from the night before. I would just have to let that shit air dry and hope for the best. I had no time what so ever to do my hair. I quickly put on socks and my coffee black sneakers and headed for the door. I grabbed my black leather jacket throwing it on as I raced out the door.

I knew it wouldn't take long to hail a cab but I really did not have the money to pay so I decided the best way to get there would be to run

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I knew it wouldn't take long to hail a cab but I really did not have the money to pay so I decided the best way to get there would be to run. So I took off down the street, my body fought against me the entire way. Begging me to slow the fuck down before either my head explodes or I puke all over the sidewalk. Whichever came first, but I refused to let up. It would only take about another five minutes for me to get there if I kept up this pace. So I pushed on.

I arrived there right when I thought I would. I took a second to catch my breath then strolled in trying to pretend like I was not very much hung over from the night before.

I made it all the way into the kitchen before anyone noticed me.

"You're late." My boss said to me when I was tying my apron around my waist.

"Only five minutes," I said to her hoping she would understand.

"It's the fifth time this month you have only been five minutes late." She reminded me.

"I know I'm sorry. I could not catch a cap and had to run here." I told her.

"Look, Luna, I like you. You're a good kid I can tell but you can't keep being late. The others don't like having to pick up your slack." She told me.

I looked right over to Sara who I knew she was talking about. She had it out for me the second I started working here. I had no idea why. There was no real reason I just think she's a bitch who does not like being the second prettiest in the room.

"It won't happen again," I told her as I grabbed my note pad and pen and quickly made my way over to section.

"Look who finally showed up," Sara said as I walked past her.

"Go to hell," I said with a smile as I continued past her to the family who was sitting in one of my booths.

I stood there for a second looking at the cute family who sat in front of me. The father was a large man with a short shaved hair but and strong jaw line. He sat there with a soft smile on his hard face as he joked around with his little girl who looked just like his pregnant wife with their light skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair. The three of them smiling at each other happily not even realizing I was standing there. There was something very attractive about this man which let me know he was trouble. If I was attracted to him it was guaranteed he was a manic. They always ended up being insane. I have horrible taste in men.

"Hello, my name is Luna and I will be your waitress this morning. Is there anything I can get you started with?" I asked them with a fake smile on my face.

The two parents looked up at me as the little girl continued to color.

"Yeah, can I have a coffee, black." The man said to me in an incredibly raspy, sexy voice.

I took my eyes from him and looked to his wife.

"And for you?" I asked.

I could not help but notice the quick she looked me over real quick before deciding I was not a threat.

The confidence from he let me know that the love they had was real. I could not help but smile knowing that at least someone is able to find true love in this shit hole.

"I'll have a glass of OJ no ice and a milk for our daughter." She answered.

"I'll be right back with your drinks," I said before walking off.

The rest of the day went by with no excitement. The cute little family was the highlight of my shift. Everyone else was a bunch of assholes.

Eight hours later my shift was over and I was tired. I put my work shit in my little locker and quickly made my way outside. Once out in the cold air, I looked at my phone to see I had a missed call. The message was from Duck.

I could not help but smile as I opened up the message. I was really not expecting to ever hear from him again.

"Just checking in on how you're feeling. Foggy and I had fun last night. We should get together soon." He said.

It was short and to the point. I wasted no time calling him back.

"I don't remember giving you my number," I said to him the second he answered.

"You probably don't remember a lot of things from last night." He responded.

"Well, that's how I know I had a great time. But your right it has been too long we def need to get together again. And feel free to bring Foggy has a right." I told him.

"Will do. But I got to go get to class. I'll call you soon." He said before hanging up.

I put my phone in my pocket and headed home with a smile on my face. I may just get the chance at having some real friends here. That is if I don't fuck it up like I fuck everything else up.

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