Chapter 88

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Matt and I where waiting for Ben to leave the office and make his way to his car for almost an hour now. I could not help the excited sigh that left my lips when I finally saw him. He was just about to get into his car when Matt jumped down scaring him. He jumped about a foot as he spun around to look at him

"You like making an entrance, don't you?" He asked as Matt grunted and we made our way over to him. "Where's the girl?"

I jumped down behind him landing so quietly he did not hear me, so I whistled at him causing him to turn around and see me sitting on his trunk waving at him.

"The two of you are a match made in heave or hell." Ben told us.

"I need information." Matt told him.

"Yeah? Haven't heard anything about a man in a mask beating on bad guys lately. Thought maybe you quit on us." Ben told Matt.

"He don't know how to quite. Trust me I've tried getting him to stay home." I told Ben really wishing Matt would listen to me for once in his life.

"I'm still here." Matt told Ben.

"Where's till here." I corrected Matt.

"Somebody got a piece of you?" Ben asked Matt.

"He got his ass kicked by my old mentor." I told Ben.

"We went the distance that's all that matters." Matt told him.

Ben turned his attention to me. "Went the distance huh? Sounds like a boxer."

I could not help but smile as I started to sharpen my hooks against one and other.

"Always a reporter." Matt commented.

"Hey, it's what I do." Ben answered playfully maybe he was finally getting used to us.

"Why I'm here." Matt told him as he handed him one of the little bags filled with drugs that have been all over town.

"Yeah, I've seen this around...all over the city. Heroin, pure like you've never seen. Call it 'steel serpent' on the streets" he said as he handed it back to Matt.

"The man I took that off murdered Elena Cardenas." Matt told him.

"Yeah, I heard about that." He responded.

"He was working for Fisk." I told him.

"Vladimir Ranskahov, before he died, he said Fisk arranged access to the Chinese and their drugs." Matt told him.

"Russians got whipped out." Ben told us as if we already didn't know that.

"I'm not interested in the Russians." Matt was quick to respond.

"You're thinking about making a move on the trades now?" Ben asked.

"Russians were distribution, right?" Matt asked.

"That's what I hear." Ben answered.

"With them out of the way, there's an awful lot of money lying on the table." I said.

"You think Fisk picked up distribution?" Ben asked.

"Like she said, a lot of money. And I'm guessing tearing down Hell's Kitchen isn't cheap." Matt told him.

"Interrupting the cash flow may...slow him down. Doubt if it'll stop him" Ben said.

"No...but it might knock him off balance. Get him mad, maybe enough to make a mistake big enough to matter." Matt said.

"I got something I'm working on might help push that bold prick over the edge." Ben told us.

At hearing this I jumped off the trunk and walked over to him.

"Now I'm interested. What you got?" I asked him.

"No, I want you to keep your head down until its over." Matt told him quickly shutting me down.

"Oh, come on. You're not even curious?" I asked Matt.

"No." Matt answered quickly.

"My heads fine where its at?" Ben told us.

"Vladimir's brother probably thought the same." Matt told Ben causing my head to snap towards his direction so fast it could have snapped my neck.

"What's it!" I yelled at him causing Ben to take notice.

"Sorry, no one deserves that." Ben told us.

I could not bring myself to respond but my breathing had picked up as I tried to contain my anger.

"Its hard to believe that there's someone a little more hostile then you." Ben said to me noticing my rage.

"She's fine. You're not." Matt told Ben.

"Point taken." Ben replied.

"The Chinese, who's the man at the top?" Matt asked.

"Isn't one, it's a woman. Never got her name." Ben told us and instantly my skin started to crawl of course she would be involved in this.

"A woman, huh?" I asked.

"Any idea where we can find her?" Matt asked Ben and I wondered if I should just tell them.

"If I did, it'd be on the front page." Ben told us.

"The Russian that Black shot in interrogation, there was a Chinese man in the back of his cab in an ally. Blind, carried a backpack." Matt said as he started to ramble on.

"I've seen these guys around town. Drugs in the pack?" Ben asked.

"Little busy to check." Matt answered him.

"Would make sense. No body's look at a blind man twice." Ben said causing me to chuckle causing Matt to look at me.

"No, they wouldn't. you said you've seen them around. Where?" Matt asked.

"51st and 9th. No...10th. 51st and 10th. But that was a while back." Ben answered.

"I'll see what I can find." Matt told Ben.

"Time to go. Nice chat Ben." I told him.

"It was during the morning, rush hour. Guys like you might stick out." Ben told us.

"We'll dress down." Matt told him causing Ben to chuckle for the first time.

"Its cold, you should get yourself a better coat." Matt told him.

"How about you get yourself a better outfit if your gonna keep running around out there." He told the two of us.

"Were working on it, trust me." I told him.

"Watch your back Ben. Frisks an animal, and were backing him into a corner." Matt told him before the two of us left him to head home for the night.

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