Chapter 63

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The next morning I had to roll my body out of my bed because I was so sour I could not even force myself to sit up and get out like a normal person. I laid there on the floor for a few moments before forcing myself onto my hands and knees and used the bed to pull my self up. My head ached to the point where it felt like it was going to blow up. I had to rub my temples to ease the pain a little. I walked into my bathroom and whined as I flipped on the light. 

"Fuck," I mumbled as I forced my eyes open against the pain I felt from the light.

I looked into the mirror, and I looked like shit. Thankfully I heal quickly, like supper quickly all the cuts and gashes from last night was completely healed. All that remained where slight bruises and the blood that was left in there wake. My hair was soaked with the blood from the gash that was under my hair the night before. I was still in my clothes from the night before. I did not have the energy to change last night. My hands were still stained with Vlad's blood. I needed to get it off me. I quickly stripped and stepped into the shower. The water quickly ran red as I winched against the pain even the slight touch of the water. Even though my body looked healed on the outside, it was clear to me the internal damage was not healed yet.

I stood in that water for a long time just watching the water run red then turn slightly pink all the way until the water was clear. Once the water was clear again and cold I knew it was time for me to force myself out. I quickly finished getting ready throwing on the first pair of jeans and white short sleeve shirt I could find. I pulled my hair up into a tight ponytail and threw on some glasses to cover up my bloodshot eyes. Once I looked somewhat put together I headed out towards the office. I hoped everyone would be there so Matt would at least be forced to act civil around me.

I walked into the office to see Foggy and Karen sitting around her desk drinking coffee and looking at the newspaper. When I walked in both of there heads shoot up and spun around to look at me. Both of them smiled, but Karen had jumped up and wrapped her arms around me. I had to hold my breath, so I did not yell out in pain.

"Oh my god, we were so worried about you. We have been trying to get ahold of you all night." She said as she took a few steps back to look me over.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine my phone died, and I couldn't get home to charge it because I got caught up in that mess. Are you guys okay?" I asked Karen as I looked to the cut on her head and back to Foggy who looked like he could barely move.

"We had a rough night, but we will be okay," Karen answered for the both of them.

"Wheres Matt? Where you with him last night?" Foggy asked finally saying something.

"We were like I said it was crazy he probably did not even realize you guys called," I told him.

"I called like thirty-five times." He said annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to say," I answered as I sat down and picked up the newspaper.

On the cover was a large picture of Matt in his mask. In big print, it said The Devils Of Hells Kitchen. I don't know why it bothered me that it was only his picture up there and not mine, but it did. I was there, and I deserve recognition as well.

"Devil, my sharply Irish ass." Foggy snapped. "Guys a coward. What I wouldn't give for the chance to rip that corny mask off and..." He continued to ramble on. Apparently, he did not like The Devil Of Hell's Kitchen very much.

"Corny?" I commented on the one word that stuck out to me.

"And what?" Karen asked after I did wanting to know the rest of his sentence.

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