Chapter 75

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Chapter 75


"This doesn't change anything Ben." I tried to tell him.

After this mess with Fisk announcing himself on T.V. Ben was convinced he would not be able to publish his paper.

"Except we now know who your King of Diamonds is," Foggy told him taking my side.

At least he seemed to agree with me.

"Why every time I talk to you there is more people who know about this?" Been asked me. "And have you seen the news? Everything changed." He picked up the newspaper to show me the headline about Fisk and how he was our city's savior.

A better tomorrow it read. It was all such bullshit. He was destroying this city and endangering everyone who lived in it.

"Fisk has gotten out in front of being dragged into the spotlight. My editor thinks he's the second coming. Hell, the whole city does." Ben said to the two of us.

"So, we just keep digging." I practically begged him.

I don't think I could let this go even if I tried. My body and mind was begging, pleading to be helped. The only way I would ever feel safe again would be to get rid of Fisk.

"I've been trying to do that. The internet went from having nothing on Fisk to being filled with three-hanky stories about a poor little fat kid from Hell's Kitchen. Abandoned by his father when he was twelve. Mother died a year later. Now, look at him. Bootstraps and bug dreams." Ben went on to tell us.

I could not help but think we were truly screwed. If Ben was willing to give up, then it must mean he has no hope.

"Somebody knows something!" A new voice snapped from the doorway.

I looked over to see Luna standing there, and she looked furious.

"Its just a matter of asking the right people the right questions. In the right tone of voice." Ben told her.

"Or you could try letting me beat it out of them." She snapped back at him.

"That's how you get someone killed," Ben said not happy with Luna being here.

Before she could respond to him, the door opened, and Matt walked into the office.

"That's what I keep telling them," Matt said before he even took a step into the office. "Maybe they'll listen to you."

"Ben Urich, Matt Murdock. Attorney at why the hell bothers, and his angry sidekick Luna." I said as I introduced the two of them.

"Mr. Murdock," Ben said as he greeted him.

"Matt," Matt said correcting him.

"My partner thinks we should be pursuing this through the legal system," Foggy told Ben.

"A lot safer that way," Ben replied.

"Well, why don't we all just crawl under the covers, then?" I snapped at him.

"If we were the only ones after him, I'd tend to agree. A friend of yours came to see me the other night. The man in the mask and the girl." Matt started to tell the group of us, and I could not help but notice Luna tense and roll her eyes at him.

"Terrorist, cop-killers" Foggy added in and no matter how many times he said it I could not bring myself to believe him.

Something was telling me in my gut that the two of them were not the real problem.

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