Chapter 60

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Matt's POV 

I continued to try and pull open the hatch as Luna fussed over Vladimir. The thought of them together made my skin crawl. So I focused on one thing and one thing only. Getting this hatch open. That was until my phone rang. I knew it was Claire because she was the only one had this number so I quickly answered it.

"It's really not a good time," I said as I answered.

"On the news. They're saying you shot those cops." She told me.

"No. It was Fisk. It's all Fisk." I told her.

"WHats going on out there?" She asked and truthfully I did not know I was so focused on not focusing on Luna that I had lost track of what was going on outside.

"Hang on," I told her as I listened to the noise coming from outside.

I could feel both Vladimir and Luna's eyes on me but I tried to focus on what I needed.

"Claire. Um...what you said before I left." I started but she cut me off.

"I was..." She started. "I'm sorry, I just." She said but could not finish her sentence.

"No, don't be. It turns out you where... you were right...about me. I just don't want you getting caught up if it goes that way. If we don't get a chance to talk again. You take care of yourself." I told her before hanging up.

"Oh shucks, I wanted to tell her I loved her too." Luna taunted me from across the room.

There was a loud noise from upstairs as the cops busted in the door. Vladimir finally pushed himself up off the floor and came over and started to help me lift the latch. It started to move but was still too heavy. Luna quickly joined in and finally, we were able to move the thing. I jumped down followed by Luna than Vladimir who had to be helped up by Luna who was holding him as if both of there lives depended on it.

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