Chapter 70

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When I finally woke up, I was alone in not only the bed but the apartment. Matt had left I could only assume he went to work. I looked around his place, and it was a mess, but I did not have it in me to clean up. I was struggling too, and I knew it was because I had a few cracked ribs and possibly a small spinal injury from when Stick flung me into the space heater. Before I could find Matt and the others, I had to heal, or I would not make it very far. I found a small patch of floor that was not covered with broken glass and parked my ass. I crossed my legs as I groaned out in pain and forced all the thoughts out of my head. Three to four hours and I should be okay was the last idea I had before my mind went completely blank.


It was a little after one when I finally pulled my self out. I stood up slowly and stretched out my body, testing my muscles to see if everything was functioning correctly. The pain in my ribs and back had almost entirely subsided, so I guess this was good enough for now. I walked into the bathroom to look myself over in the mirror. All cuts and bruises from the previous day were gone sufficiently for me to proceed through my day without question. I grabbed my things and made my way back to my place so I could shower and change before heading into the office in hopes of finding Matt and everyone else.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "We need to talk," Karen said the second I walked into the office.

"Okay..." I answered. "Should I be worried?" I asked.

"Yeah, these two don't know how to stay out of trouble," Matt answered as he walked out of his office and into the main room where the three of us stood.

"Great," I answered.

The three of them went on to tell me about the convoluted plan that Karen and Foggy had come up with. The two of them were crazy and not able to protect themselves. They were going to get themselves killed. Matt and I tried to talk them out of it again, but neither of them wanted to listen. They were both so stubborn, especially Karen.

"Look at this," Karen said as she held up today's Bulletin so I could see it.

"Wounded cop regains consciousness." I read the header out loud so Matt would know what I was looking at.

"Detective Blake?" Matt asked even though that was the only cop the could be talking about.

"He didn't deserve a bullet from the masked douchbag." Foggy spat out.

"Okay. Nobody knows what really happened out there." Karen answered coming to Matts aid even though she did not know it was him.

"Detective Blake might," Matt said more to me than the others.

"I'd be interested in what he has to say," Foggy told us.

"Yeah, so would I," Matt responded before turning and walking out the door.

"What has gotten into him today?" Foggy asked.

"I don't know but did you see the bruises?" Karen asked, but I could not focus on the two of them I had to know what Matt was about to do.

"I have to go, guys," I told them as I headed to the door.

"Why are you two always disappearing on us?" Karen yelled out after me as I walked out the door not giving her an answer.

I ran out into the street and Matt was nowhere to be found. It was obvious where he was going so I headed off in the direction of the hospital.

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