Chapter 54

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I was working at the hospital and we were flooded after the bombings. There were too many victims and not enough doctors and nurses to take care of everyone. There was blood everywhere, a lot of people will die tonight.

"We need help!" A man yelled out as he held a cloth to an old woman's head.

"Hey, I got an elderly woman over her and shes bleeding bad!" He yelled out again.

"Where is she hurt," I asked as I ran over to them.

"Are you a nurse." A strawberry blonde lady asked.

"Yeah," I answered as I looked at her head wound. "It's a pretty bad laceration," I told the two of them.

"Whats her name?" I asked them.

"Miss. Cardenas. Elena." The man answered causing the lady to speak and in Spanish.

"Well wait here for you Miss. C!" The man called out as I started to lead her away.

"She's going to be just fine." The woman told the man trying to comfort him.


"I'm just glad we were with her," I told Karen.

"Yeah." She answered as she looked around.

We walked over to the other side of the room so we could watch the news report telling us that there were multiple bombings all over the city.

"Jesus look at this! It's like a war zone out there. We better call Matt and make sure he's okay?" I said to Karan as I pulled out my cell phone.

"Yeah, I'll call Luna." She said as she did the same thing.

"Your bleeding," Karan said as she reached out to me.

"Huh?" I asked as I looked down to where she was looking to see a shard of glass sticking out of my side. "Oh, that explains it."

"Explains what?" She asked me.

"The stabbing pain in my side," I answered.

"Foggy sit." She said as she helped me to a nearby chair. "Just stay here. I'm gonna go and try to find someone okay?" She told me before running off.


"What are you doing here?" One of the other nurses said to me when she saw me working. "I heard you were in a car accident and you were on leave." She said to me.

"I made a very bad decision," I told her.

"That's my whole life. Good to have you back." She told me.

My cell phone started to ring so I started out of the room as I answered it seeing it was Matt.

"Please tell me all this is not you dealing with the Russians?" I asked him the second I answered the phone.

"Wasn't me, but I don't think you have to worry about them anymore." He answered me.

"You call just to tell me that?" I asked him as I walked into the stairway so no one could hear me.

"No, I need your help." He told me. "I found someone who has intel on what I've been looking for, but has been shot." He told me.

"So call 911," I told him.

"Cant, police are the ones shooting at him. Thinking they'd like a chance to finish the job." He answered.

"You want me to come to you in all this?" I asked him.

"No, I want you to walk me threw stabilizing him." He told me.

"We don't have time for this! He's dying!" I could hear Luna yell in the background but Matt seemed to just ignore her and continue to talk to me.

"It's not as easy as it looks in the moves, you know," I told him.

"I don't really go to the movies." He answered.

"Oh god! Stop!" Luna yelled again and I could have sworn it sounded like she was about to cry.

"I like records though," Matt told me again ignoring Luna.

"All right," I told him.

"There's something else you need to know. The man I'm trying to's Vladimir." He told me and I could not believe what I was hearing.

How could he ask me dave this man?

"The shit head that had me beat up?" I asked just to make sure we were talking about the same guy.

"I told you she was not going to help!" Luna yelled out making me realize I was on speaker phone.

"That's who you want me to help?" I asked him again.

"Look you have every right to tell me to go to hell, but he's important Claire. What he knows can bring Fisk down. Save more people like you from getting hurt." He told me and I knew what he was saying was true but that did not mean I had to like it.

"Is there an exit wound?" She asked me.

"Thank you. No. The bullets still inside him." He told me.

"Is there any kind of first aid kit?" I asked him.

"I'm in a warehouse, abandoned." He told me making the matter even worse.

"Tell me that there's anything you can use." She said to me.

"All right. Hang on. Half a box of nails...broken glass...wood, diet tape, old roadside emergency kit. Lock of plastic sheeting." He told me.

"The kit, are there any flairs in it?" She asked.

"Yeah two." He told me.

"All right...your gonna cauterize the wound." She told me.

"Don't you want us to take the bullet out?" Luna asked.

"Luna there's no time," I answered her. "If you cut him open or start digging around you'll kill him. This way at least he has a chance of not bleeding out before you get what you wanted out of him, and it will hurt like a son of a Bitch, so bonus." Claire told us.

"Can I do it?" I hear Luna ask Matt, she was acting strangely.

"Be my guest," Matt told her.

"All right how do I do this?" Luna asked me.

"Just light the flair held it close to his skin until the wound seals." She told me.

I could hear the flair light up. "All right I got it." She told me.

"Don't let up. No matter how much he screams." She of me.

"I won't." She answered.

"Is that your professional advice or personal?" Matt asked me.

"A little of both," I told him.

"Luna your mask." I heard Matt say to her.

There was silence for a second before I could hear the sound of his skin sizzle then him scream out. Then as quickly as the scream came it was muffled probably by someone covering his mouth.

"Did it stop bleeding?" I asked needing to know what was happening.

"Looks like it. Matt?" Luna answered.

"Thanks, Claire we gotta go," Matt said before hanging up the phone leaving me wondering what was going on.


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