Chapter 32

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I was thrown into a trunk of the car as I screamed and fought against my kidnappers. I kicked against the trunk trying to get free. After what felt like an eternity I gave up and just laid there waiting for them to open the trunk and then I could try to get away. Finally, the car stopped and I got ready to try and run away. When the trunk was open I was able to see two men standing there. I struggled to get up but I was unable to use my hands to do so because they were taped together behind my back.

"Let's go." The first man said I don't know if he was talking to me or the other man but when I did not move the second man grabbed me and dragged me out of the trunk.

I tried to kick him as I screamed for help but it was no use. He just continued to hold on to me tightly as if I was nothing. As if I was not even trying to put up a fight.


After losing her trail the two of us quickly ran back to Claires hoping someone was left behind that would help us figure out where they had taken her. We were looking around her place when I sensed someone hiding outside the door.

"Don't worry it's me, Santino," I called out to him.

He stepped out from behind the door to get a better look at us. I lifted my mask up showing him my face.

"Do you remember my face?" I asked him.

"Si, yes." He answered.

"Claire's been taken by some very bad people. I heard them say your name. I need your help, please." I said to him in Spanish, trying to remember the little that I learned in school.

"I didn't say anything. Not at first. Then they took me up to the roof like you did with that man...they told me if I said anything to anyone...they'd come back for my mother." He told us in Spanish.

"Do you know where they took Claire?" I asked him.

"No." He answered and he truly looked disappointed by that fact.

"We don't have time for this." I snapped causing Santino to turn and look at me.

"She's fine, a friend. You can trust her." I told Santino because it was easy to see that Luna was making him uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry...those men are going to hurt her because of me." Santino said as he looked down at his feet.

It looked like he might start crying.

"No, it's not your fault, Santino. It's mone. Is there anything else you heard or saw? Anything that might help me find her?" I asked him again.

"I saw them get into a taxi but not in the nack, in the front like it was theirs." He told us.

"What was the company?" I asked him. "Did you see the name?"

"Veles, Veles taxi." He answered.

"Luna find an address," I told her but she seemed to just be standing there instead of taking out her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"There's no need to google it. I know where they are." She told me.

I had so many questions for her right now but uniformity there was not enough time. So I got the address from her and then the two of us took off in hopes of finding Claire before it was too late.


Once I was out of the trunk I tried to scream but the tape that covered my mouth prevented me from making any noise louder than a muffled plea for help. The first man walked around the car with a bat and before I could even register he hit me with it in the stomach. I fell to the ground as I ground in pain. My face hit the hard concrete floor as I could not brace myself because my hands were still tied behind my back.

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