Chapter 41

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Fisk and Wesley stepped out of the car to see everyone was waiting like Fisk had wanted.

"Why aren't we meeting in the usual place?" I asked the second I saw the two of them.

"An opportunity...for those willing to see it." Fisk answered me.

Madame Gao laughed at him in response before saying something in Mandarin.

"She's happy to see you." Wesley lied to Fisk the way he always does when she speaks.

I don't know exactly what she's saying but anyone with good sense knows Wesley's full of shit.

"My apologies...for my absence of late. And for calling you here on little notice." Fisk told us all.

"Where are the smiley twins? Sleeping off another kidnapping?" I asked what everyone was thinking.

"The Ranskahovs are no longer a part of this organization." He answered.

"Since when?" I asked wondering how and when that happened.

"Since I removed Anatoly's head...with my car door." He answered as if he was telling us he eats a tuna sub for lunch.

Madame Gao started yelling in Mandarin. She was visibly upset.

"She's upset they wernt consulted," Wesley told Fisk.

Then Nobu started yelling in Japanese and I was really starting to wish these two spoke English.

"He isn't happy either," Wesley told Fisk as if he was not able to tell that on his own.

"Deal me in on that. What the hell happened?" I asked Fisk needing him to explain this to us.

"It was a personal matter." He answered as if that was a good reason to decapitate someone.

"What? Vladimir isn't exactly a hug it all out kind of guy." I snapped at him.

"The masked vigilante killed his brother. At least that's what Vladimir believes." Wesley told us.

"It will distract him until preparations can be made. We all knew that we would need to eliminate the Russians one day. They were unpredictable." Fisk said trying to justify his actions.

"This from a guy taking heads of with car doors," I mumbled as I looked around at the other members of the group wanting them to realize just how crazy this was as well.

Madame Goa started talking in Mandarin again.

"She wants to know how her product is going to be moved now," Wesley told Fisk.

"For the moment, you would keep sending you delivers to the Russians, as though nothing has changed. And when this is all over, I'll assume their responsibility." He answered.

"And move their share to your column in the ledger?" I asked him.

"A rising tide raises all boats, Leland. Profits will be divided up equally among us. Four shares, instead of five." He answered me.

Both Madame Goa and Nobu started speaking in their languages.

"Leland?" Fisk asked turning his attention to me.

"What, I'm going against the three of you? I like my head where it's at." I answered him.

"They were in agreement. Nothing changes...until I'm ready to move on Vladimir." He told us.

"And what if he finds out what were up to before then?" I asked him worried about the rath of Vladimir.

"That would be unfortunate for us all." He responded.

"Masked vigilantes, crazy Russians...I'm getting my stun gun out of storage I told him before turning to leave.


"Remember your promise to me. and those I speak for." Nobu told Fisk in a very stern voice.

Fisk nodded and Nobu did the same then turned and left the meeting.

"Madame Gao. May I walk you to your car?" Fisk asked her as he held out his arm to her.

"She thinks you want something," I told him after she said the same thing in Mandarin.

"I want to put this behind us as quickly as possible." He told her.

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