Chapter 37

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I walked into the station dressed in my best little black dress and heels, carrying a large bag of Chinese food. Brett had called to cancel our date but I was not going to let that fly.

"How can I help you, Miss?" The man behind the desk asked me.

"I'm here to see Detective Brett Mahoney," I answered him with a large smile.

"He's busy." The man said to me.

"Tell him it's important," I told him.

He rolled his eyes before getting up and walk around the back of the station. A few minutes later Brett rushed up front. He relaxed after seeing me there a smile spread on his face.

"Luna, what are you doing here?" He asked as he walked around the main desk and into the lobby where I waisted.

"Well, I'm not much of a cook so I brought you Chinese," I told him.

"I'm working." He answered but he did not seem to be upset by my presence.

"You have to eat sometime," I said to him with a smile.

"I guess your right. Give me a few minutes to wrap up." He answered.

"Yeah sure," I replied, causing him to look at his feet before walking into the back room.

I sat down and waited for him to come back. While I was waiting for my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I pulled it out to see I got a text from a number I did not know. I unlocked the phone so I could read the full text.

Where the hell is my brother?

The text read I did not have to ask who it was to know. I could almost hear his condescending attitude coming there the text message.

How the hell would I know? I'm not his keeper.

I texted back hoping he would leave me alone. I really did not need Brett realizing who was texting me.

He told me you approached him, last night.

He responded.

He's not with me if that's what you're asking. I don't know where he is. The last time I saw him was when he got into his car and drove away.

I texted back.

I need your help finding him. He won't answer any of my calls or texts.

He said.

I could not help but roll my eyes before texting him back.

How is this my problem?

I asked him.

I'm worried, I don't know where he is and your really good at finding people. That's what you used to do. You were the best tracker I have ever known. Now track down my brother.

He said and I knew that if he was talking instead of texting he would be yelling right now.

Fine, let me finish up here. I'll be down in an hour or two.

I answered back.

Hurry up.

He answered and that was the last of the texts. I turned off my phone and shoved it back in my pocket.

"I'm free for thirty minutes," Brett said causing me to jump up as he snuck up on me. 

"Great, let's eat before the food gets cold," I said as I got up and followed him to the break room.

I sat down and he grabbed the food and started plating the food.

"Thank you," I said as I took the plate form him.

We sat there for a few seconds just eating the food before I finally spoke up.

"So tell me about your self," I said to him and instantly regretted the words that came out of my mouth.

"I've known you for nearly five years. I think you know everything there is to know." He answered as he chuckled softly.

"I know, it was a stupid question. I'm not good at this type of thing." I answered him.

"What type of thing?" He asked before taking another bite of his pork fried rice.

"Dating, talking in general," I answered.

He responded by laughing at me which made me a little angry.

"It's not nice to laugh at people," I told him as I put down my fork annoyed with him.

"I'm not laughing at you. I just can't believe that's true. You cant expect me to believe a girl like you has trouble with guys." He said to me.

"I don't have a problem with guys. Just connecting, and talking. All of the things that you do in a real relationship." I answered.

"You really are something else, aren't you?" He asked me as he reached over and softly took hold of my hand.

I looked down at it and smiled slightly. He really was a sweet guy, way too sweet for me to screw with.

"Officer Mahoney, can I talk to your for a minute." A young blonde cop said as he entered the room.

His eyes seemed to dart back and forth from Brett to me as if he was trying to keep an eye on me without me noticing.

"I still have ten more minutes." He said as he looked at his watch.

"It's important." He told Brett.

"Okay, yeah." He saidto the other cop. "I'll be right back." He said to me as he walked out of theroom.

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