Chapter 36

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I made my way over to Matts after talking to Anatoly. I needed to check on him and Claire to make sure they were okay. When I got there I saw that Claire was already all patched up. Matt had taken care of her.

"Do you wanna spend the night at my place?" I asked her.

"No, thank you. I'm fine here." She answered.

"Okay, but if you need anything, you know where to find me," I told her.

"Yeah, thanks. How are you holding up?" She asked me.

"Me fine. I heal fast. You don't need to worry about me." I told her.

I gave her a quick but soft hug, I knew she was defiantly soar and then left her and Matt alone. The only thing I wanted at the moment was to go home and take a nice hot shower.


After Luna left I went and took a shower needing to wash every part of my body that was touched by those creeps. When I was done I pulled on the blue robe Matt had left for me and walked out into the kitchen where Matt was cooking.

"You cook for every girl you bring home?" I asked him causing him to look at me with a smile.

"Nah, just the ones that keep me alive." He joked.

He handed me a plate and the two of us sat down on the couch together.

"You have a job or something to get to?" I asked him. "I mean Luna works at a bar. You must have a day job or, are you one of those millionaire play poys I'm always hearing about?" I finished as I just wanted to know more about him.

He laughed out in response to grabbing his side obviously he was still in pain.

"No, I have a job." He finally answered.

"Damn, thought I'd lucked out. What do you do?" I asked him again.

"Lawyer. I have a practice, so...I'm my own boss." She answered truly surprised me.

"Lawyer by day, vigilante by night. The hell does that work?" I asked him truly needing an answer.

"Yeah, I'll let you know when I figure it out." He answered with a soft chuckle.

I moved to the table so I was sitting in front of him.

"Oh shit," I mumbled out as I moved my shoulder in a weird way and it hurt really bad.

"You just opened one of the cuts on your back." He told me.

"How do you know that?" I asked him not sure why anything surprised me with him.

"I can taste copper in the air." He answered as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

I laughed at him, of course, that was the answer.

"Copper in the air," I repeated.

Matt reached out to touch the top of my robe. "May I?" He asked.

"Knock yourself out, Houdini," I answered.

I stood there as he moved the robe off my shoulder. I groaned out as it moved past the cut that had opened up. He started to feel around the back of my shoulders. He stopped when I cried out as he touched the part of my shoulder that was really soar.

"The swelling is down. Rib fractures only a hairline. I could tell before." He told me.

"You have x-ray fingers now?" I asked him.

"I can hear your bones shifting. When you breathe. No grinding means nothings broken." He answered.

"What does a hairline fracture sound like?" I asked him.

"An old ship." He answered rather quickly.

"An old ship?" I asked him as I smiled. "How do you...I mean, I know your blind but you...see so much. How?" I asked him.

"I guess you have to think of it more than just five senses. I cant see, not like everyone else, but I can feel. Things like balance and direction. Micro-changes in air density, vibrations, blankets of temperature variations. Mix all that with what I hear, subtle smells. All of the fragments from a sort of...impressionistic painting." He answered in a long explanation.

"Okay, what does that look like. Like, what do you, actually see?" I asked him.

He paused as he tilted his head as if he was trying to see things better.

"A world on fire." He answered and I could not help but wonder what that looked like.

"If all I saw was fire, I'd probably want to hit people, too," I told him causing the two of us to chuckle softly.

"I just wish I was hitting the right ones. Claire...they know who you are now. And they're not going to stop. I'd like you to stay here, with me...just till I figure something out." He told me, I could not help but look around and wonder where it is exactly he would want me to stay.

"That's a hell of a way to get a girl to move in." I joked with him.

"It worked, didn't it?" He asked me.

"Yeah," I said as I looked away from him but he stopped me and lifted up my chin so I was looking at him.

He ran his thumb softly over my lips and I could not help but gasp for his touch. He removed his touch and softly replaced it with his own lips. I was not surprised that it happened but was surprised at how much I wanted it. My lips instantly fell in line with his. He removed his lips from mine and started to leave a trail of soft kisses up my neck.

"I was wondering if you were ever gonna do that," I said to him causing him to stop what he was doing.

"Well, I've been a little busy. I'll have Luna bring you some clothes while I'm out." He told me.

"Why don't you go to the police? With all that you have on the Russians?" I asked him.

"I wear a mask and beat on people. Doesn't exactly mesh with police policy." He answered.

"Your gonna end up in another dumpster if you try to take down the Russian mob by yourself." I truthfully told him.

"Maybe I only need to take down one mane." He told me.

"Fisk?" I asked.

"Cut off the head of the snake, the body dies." He said worrying me a little.

"How do you know he's the head of the snake if you cant find anything on him?" I asked him.

"There was a murder in a bowling alley. A man named Prohaszka. Owned a majority in Kitchen cabs." He told me.

"They were turning those over in the garage they took me to," I told him even though he probably already knew that.

"Right I think Fisk hired the man that killed Prohaszka. Everythig=ng leads back to him." He told me as he grabbed his jacket.

"No one will talk." He told me.

"Maybe you are beating on the wrong people. I heard a name when they were...the prick with the baseball bat reacted when he hears it. Like a dog when you yank its leash." I told him.

"What was the name?" He asked me with a little more excitement his voice.

"Vladimir," I answered.

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