Chapter 78

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"Thanks" Foggy said to Josie as she handed him his drink.

"I'll keep them coming, love." She answered him.

"When we first took the case, Karen and I went to Landman and Zack. Marci talked about a "criminal element" in Elena's building. Said that's why the workmen left without finishing the repairs." Foggy told us.

"Cause they feared for there safety." Karen finished as she took a large sip of her drink.

"I thought it was bullshit." Foggy said.

"It was." I told him before taking a shot.

"Wait, what are you saying?" Karen asked me.

"Just doesn't feel right, does it?" Matt said agreeing with me.

"Exactly." I responded.

"I'll drink to that." Foggy replied as he took another sip and I took another shot.

"You think it was a coincidence? Elena decides to stay and fight, to rally what's left of her neighbors, and this happens?" Matt asked them.

"Do you think Fisk had something to do with this?" Karen asked us.

"Yeah I do." I answered without a moment of hesitation.

"Speak of the devil." Foggy said as he pointed to the tv.

"Fisk's on the tv again." Karen told Matt.

"Hey, Josie, could you turn that up?" Matt asked.

"No, I never had the pleaser of meeting Ms. Cardenas. I only recently took possession of her building." Fisk answered the press.

"How do you respond to report, that you knew the tenement was unsafe?" The reporter asked him.

"That is accurate. That's why we offered a substantial sum to Ms. Cardenas and her neighbors to help them relocate. We should never let god people get swallowed up by this city. I mourn this woman's death. Didn't have to happen. It shouldn't have. Her passing is a symptom of a large facing all of this. The disease of fear." Fisk went on during which Foggy's phone started ringing.

"Funeral home." Foggy said to us.

"Fear of bombings, cop killings." Fisk went on.

"Hello." Foggy answered as he got up and walked away.

"Fear of masked psychopaths. We shouldn't let people like that take our city from us. We need to stand together. Let them know that they will fail...because we believe we can make a difference. Cause they are cowards! Afraid of standing up for people like Ms. Cardenas. I'm sorry. I', sorry." He finished before walking away from the podium.

"Jesus, he almost sounds like he means it." Karan said.

"I think he does." Matt responded.

"And he's calling the man in the mask a psycho? I hope they trace what happened to Elena right to his doorstep." Karan told us.

"He'd never expose himself like that. Plus, half the force is probably in his pocket." Matt told them as much as he could.

"Well, then let's pray the Mask get his hands on him. Knocks his goddam head off." Karen said as she continued to drink.

"You religious Karen?" Matt asked her.

"My parents were. That's probably why I'm not." She answered.

"Issue with the rents. I knew there was a reason I liked you." I told her.

"You?" She asked me.

"I have no idea what to believe in." I answered her.

"Catholic." Matt answered.

"Does it help? With things like this?" Karen asked him.

"Not today. I think I've had enough. Tell Foggy I'll see him in the morning." Matt answered her.

"Yeah." She told him.

"Want me to walk you home?" I asked him.

"No, stay. I'll be fine." He answered.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"Yeah, plus your drunk I'll probably make it home easer without you." He teased me.

"You don't need to be rude." I said pretending to be offended as he started walking away.

"Hey Matt." Karen called after him.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"If there is a God...and if he cares at all about...about any of us...Fisk will get what he deserves. You have to believe that." She told him.

"I do." He answered her.

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