Chapter 80

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Luna's POV

I laid in bed for over an hour trying to fall asleep unsuccessfully. I tossed and turned all night, I had a really bad feeling in my gut that I could not shake. I rolled out of bed and grabbed my phone and dialed Matt. The call went to voice mail and even though logically he should be asleep I just knew that was not the case. Panic started to fill me as I made my way to his place and continued trying to call him with no answer. When I made it to his place I banged and yelled at his door until the lady from across the hall came out and told me she was going to call the cops if I did not shut up.

So, I climbed up to the roof and broke into his place to find out what was going on. I don't know if I was hoping to find him in there or not but once inside it was obvious, he was not home. I ran down the stairs and the closet underneath it. I knew exactly what I was looking for, his suit. I was not surprised to see that it was missing.

"That lying peace of shit." I mumbled to myself as I ran out the way I came.

I tried to call him one last time even though I knew he was not going to answer. He either did not want my help or was doing something so dangerous he was scared to ask for my help. Once back on the roof I reached out for him and it only was a matter of seconds before I picked up on his trail. I pulled up my mask and ran off in the direction of his life essence. What felt like a lifetime later I found him at a Wearhouse by the docks.

"Why does everything bad happen at the docks?" I asked myself before jumping down onto the fire escape then climbed in threw an open window.

I found Matt seconds later. He was taking a beating from Nobu who I recognized instantly. I would know him anywhere even though I could not see his face behind his mask that was so similar to my own. He raised his weapon to lay the killing blow, so I threw my dagger at him causing him to drop it and look over to me. I then quickly threw the other one, but he moved out of the way and it landed in the wall behind him.

"Get the hell away from him!" I yelled causing him to look up at me.

He was surprised to see me standing here.

"You should not have come here." He told me.

I know Nobu did not want to hurt me, but he will if I don't back down.

Matt used my distraction to jump up and kick him in the chest with both of his feet. Nobu went flying back into some barrels that where in the corner. I quickly ran over to Matt who had also fallen down in his attack and tried to pull him up off the ground.

"You're a fucking idiot." I told him as Nobu started getting up.

"You have fought well. It is... not enough." Nobu told Matt.

"Nobu, don't!" I yelled at him as I stepped in front of Matt.

I could feel Matt tense up as he realized I know Nobu personally.

"But I must." He answered the pain in his voice evident.

Not physical pain but emotional, he really did not want to hurt me but knew I was not going to back down and let him kill Matt.

He swung his blade at me, and I was ready to grab it but at the last moment Matt pushed me out of the way and grabbed the chain himself then threw it away. It flew up and hit one of the lights breaking it and sending sparks flying everywhere landing all around Nobu. Before I even could registering what was happening the sparks caught the gas that Nobu was still standing in and set him ablaze.

Nobu yelled out but did not loose focus of his mission as he charged at Matt. I pushed him out of the way before Nobu tried to kick him not even reacting to the fact that he was a fucking human torch at the moment. They both landed on the ground in there own corners with a loud thud. I made my way over to Matt who was groaning and coughing as he struggled to catch his breath.

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