Chapter 55

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"Matt?" Luna said to me, her voice filled with worry.  

"There's a cop. He's coming. He just gave our cordnets." I told her as I could hear the cop coming closer to us.

"Shit. What do we do?" She asked me as she started to look around.

"He's coming up the stairs," I told her.

She pulled her mask back on over her face and joined me in the shadows.

The door opened and the cop and walked inside. His gun was out as he looked for us.

His eyes finally landed on Vladimir.

"Show me your hands!" He yelled at his unconscious body. "Show me your hands now!" He yelled again as he pointed his gun at him.

I had to stop Luna from running forward as she tried to attack the cop. I looked over at her and shook her head at her telling her not to move. I snuck up behind the cop.

"He cants hear you!" I told the cop causing him to turn around.

The second he did I punched him in the face. He tried to swing at me and I grabbed hold of his arm-twisting it and flipping him over on to the ground. He was lying on his back and he tried to shoot me. I grabbed the gun from his hand and tossed it aside before placing one knee on his neck holding him in place.

"I'm gonna take my knee off your throat. Stay quiet, answer my questions, or your nights gonna get a hell of a lot worse. Understand?" I asked him.

He shook his head as much as he could in response.

"You really need to stop assaulting cops if you wanna be seen as a good guy," Luna told me as she stepped out of the shadows.

I looked away from her and removed my knee from the young cop's throat. He started to wheeze as he struggled to take in the air.

"Who do you work for?" I asked him.

"The city of New York. I got two months on this job." He answered.

"Oh, he's a baby." Luna taunted him and me.

I ignored her and grabbed the cops walkie.

"Call central. Tell them it was a false alarm. No need to send backup." I told him.

"I do let me walk?" He asked as he looked between the two of us.

"Eventually," Luna answered him as she continued to egg him on.

"Central, post 41k." He said into the walkie it only took a second for them to answer.

"10-4, post 41," Dispatch answered.

"Second floor! Perps in masks! Wounded civilian!" He yelled into the walkie letting them know exactly where we were.

I quickly punched him knocking him out before he could tell them anything else.

"Great!" Luna yelled as she started passing around the room.

"10-4, post 41, 10-13, 10-13. Abandoned building, 47th and 12th, second floor." The departure said calling out to the other cops.

"Roger that. Adam responding." One voice answered.

"Fifteenth squad on route." Another added into the conversation.


"Were so fucking screwed," I told Matt as the realization that all of New York was going to rain hell down on us.

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