Chapter 79

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Matt's POV

After a few silent drinks among friends we all left the bar departing in our different directions. Luna made me promise not to do anything until tomorrow when we could go together and handle it then. I made my way home not being able to get out of my head thinking about all the things that has happened over the last few months. Once inside I made my way over to the closet where I kept the trunk that held my suit. I opened it up and felt around for my dads boxing gloves that sat on top of my suit. I thought about my dad and how he never backed down from anything. He would not stay inside waiting for someone else to go out and figure out who did this. I knew if I called Luna, she would come but I also knew she was very drunk, and I did not want her getting hurt because I could not do this alone. So, I put my dad's things aside and pulled out my own suit and headed out into the night.

I made my way over to Elena's building and started punching my way through people until I found one who took a swing at me with a knife. I quickly blocked his attack and grabbed his arm. I twisted it and pushed him into the wall. His face hit the brick wall as I snapped his wrist. He screamed out in pain as he continued to struggle against me.

"Look at it." I said as I held out a bag of drugs that had fallen out of his pocket. "Where is he?" I asked him.

"I don't know." The man responded so I twisted his wrist again causing him to yell out more.

"Tell me what you do know!" I yelled at him.

"All right, all right, I'll tell you anything you want. Just, please stop hurting me." He pleaded with me.

I released his wrist and he told me about a drug den nearby where the man I was looking for would be. I quickly made my way to that building sneaking in so no one could see me. Not that it mattered every single person in here was so strung out they wouldn't notice if this building was on fire.

I looked around the room away from all the troubled people when finally, I found something to conform I was in the right place. I found Elena's purse. It was wresting next to a man that was asleep on the couch. I grabbed him by the throat and flung him into the wall jolting him awake.

"Hey, you're real, you''re real." He mumbled as he cowered in fear.

"Where'd you get the purse?" I asked him.

"What purse?" He asked as if he was not just holding it.

I quickly grabbed him and kicked him again in the stomach before throwing him across the room again into a pile of broken glass bottles. He groaned out as if I had poked him not flung him across the room.

"Lying's a bad idea." I told him.

"Please stop! I'm...I'm sick." He pleaded and in response I hit him again. "Okay, Okay, the purse. Ill tell you who snatched it." I hit him again this time in the throat.

He started coughing violently because of it letting him know I was not going to take his lied anymore.

"Listen, I've hurt a lot of people tonight to get what I need to know. The asshole that killed Ms. Cardenas shoots up at this address, likes cheap menthols. Thinks it covers the stench of his rotting teeth. It doesn't." I told him before hitting him again.

"Who paid you?" I asked him and he started sobbing.

"No, don't no." He begged.

"Was it Fisk?" I asked him then punched him again. "Was it Fisk?"

"No, I don't know! Please, stop! Please!" He yelled.

"Give me a reason to." I told him.

"I don't know there names. I don't! They found me." He told me. "They took me to a Wearhouse on the water... Pier 81. I didn't wanna do it, man. I swear. I didn't wanna do it! But I was hurting. I was hurting, man." He told me trying to make me feel bad for him which was not working.

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