Chapter 62

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"Matt," I said as we sat on his couch.  

We both had our masks off, but he had not spoken to me since we left the tunnels.

I understood why he was mad and he had every reason to be. I had lied to him this entire time. I was sleeping with the enemy. I was starting to worry that he would never forgive me. That I was going to lose him for good. That thought of losing him too was too much, and he met the world to me. He was more family than my actual family.

"Matt, will you please talk to me?" I pleaded with him.

He did not answer he just sat there almost perfectly still facing away from me.

"Matt," I said again needing him to talk to me or at least look in my direction.

"Get out." He finally said in a soft voice as he continued to look in the direction of his feet.

"Come on Matt don't be like that," I responded.

"Be like what, Luna?" He snapped at me as he turned his head to face in my direction.

"Upset, angry, just plain pissed off!" He yelled at me.

"I get that, but..." I tried, but he cut me off.

"No, I don't think you do! You lied to me this entire time. I thought you were trying to help me that you cared about what we were doing, but all you cared about was protecting your boyfriend!" He snapped at me as he stood up from the couch to tower over me.

"He's not my boyfriend," I mumbled as if I was a child.

Matt had never yelled at me before, and I did not know how to respond when his anger was directed at me.

"Are you sure? That's not what it looked like back there. How could you be with him? After everything he did, after what he did for Clair?" He continued to yell, and I could not take it anymore.

I stood up from where I sat finally ready to defend myself.

"That's not how it was Matt! We were together years ago. I meet his brother first, and we became friends. I did not know who either of them when it all started. By the time I realized who they truly where I was into deep to walk away. And yes Vlad and I were together, we were engaged." I told him.

"What?" He snapped at me.

"No shut up and let me talk!" I yelled at him.

"It was then that I realized that I couldn't do it. I couldn't marry him and spend the rest of my life in his world so I ran and I had not seen either of the sense." I told him.

"Then how did you end up sleeping with him again?" He asked venom still in his voice.

"I went to see him after the first time Karen was attacked. I was hoping he would tell me who was trying to kill her. He didn't so I left, I tried approaching Anatoly a few days later, after Claire. He was about to help, and he even knew I helped you attack them, he figured it out form the description from his men. He wasn't even mad, he was going to a meeting and then was going to tell me what I wanted. But that was the night Fisk killed him. After he was killed, I don't know I freaked, and I was scared that Vlad was going to be next and we slept together once after his funeral. It's not like I was helping them or giving them inside information. All those old feelings just came up, and I screwed up." I told him.

He stood there for a moment taking in what I had told him.

"They where the two guys you where dating years ago who you wouldn't let me meet, aren't they?" He asked me the question I was hoping he would not.

"Yeah, Vlad was my boyfriend, Anatoly was..." I said not being able to finish my sentence because I did not have an answer for what he was.

"Your other boyfriend." He finished for me.

"Yeah, I guess," I answered.

"I just need some time." He said, and I knew he still wanted me to leave.

"Fine, I'll go. Are we okay?" I asked him as I headed for the door.

"No." He answered.

"Will we be?" I asked as I held back the tears that wanted to escape.

"Yeah, where family Luna. I can be pissed at you and hate your choices, but I'll always love you. But once things calm down, we need to talk about your past." He told me.

"Yeah, okay," I answered before leaving his apartment.

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