Chapter 53

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The three of us were running down the street. Police sirens blared all around us. I pushed open the door to an abandoned building. We walked inside, I closed the door behind us and locked the door with a steel bar that was lying on the ground. I listened around to make sure we were all alone. The only noise in this building was the sound of dripping water.

I placed Vladimir down against a poll.

"Now wait?" Luna said and I was not sure who she was talking to.

"Don't move," I told Vladimir. "You've been shot."

He again responded by yelling at me in Russian.

"That sounds pretty bad, but I don't speak asshole," I told him causing Luna to chuckle quietly from where she stood across the room.

"I'm going to kill the both of you for taking my brothers head." He told us I could hear Luna about to speak but she stifled her words which were very unlike her to have nothing to say.

"You got the wrong guys. We don't kill people." I told him.

I could hear Luna's heartbeat rise at my mention of killing people and I made a note to talk to her about this later.

"Not even scumbags who deserve it." I finished.

"You dropped Semin off a roof. Put him in coma." He told me.

"Yeah...but he was still breathing wasn't he?" I asked him realizing how ridiculous I sounded after the fact.

"Your mask I found it and what was left of my brother." He told me as he tried to sit up starter but was having a hard time moving through the pain.

"I didn't kill your brother," I told him again.

"Then maybe it was her." He said to me.

"She didn't kill your brother either," I told him.

"Lies!" He yelled at me.

"Enough! We did not kill him!" Luna yelled at him in a strange voice.

"Coming from his masked whore!" He yelled at her.

"You think I'm the one who blew up your operation to shit, too?" I asked him.

"Well considering we were planning on storing the building that would have made us incredibly stupid." She said to him again in that weird voice I had never heard her talk in before.

"Your being played," I told him. "By Fisk. The man you work for. Look I don't know what you have been told but its more of Fisk's games. He's trying to put you on the ground. Choose a side." I told him firmly.

"I chose my own." He answered me.

"Not an option. Fisk made sure of that." I reminded him.

"What do you want?" He asked me after thinking about what I had just told him for a few seconds.

"Fisk... on trial for everything he's done." I answered him.

He chuckled weakly in response to coughing up a little blood. I could hear Luna twitch a little at the sound of his discomfort and could not help but wonder why she seemed so uncomfortable.

"Then you're a fool." He said before stopping to moan out for a second. "Are you?" He asked as he turned to look at Luna who was still standing a few feet away from us.

"Yeah, and you're bleeding out, so... here we are." I told him drawing his eyes away from Luna.

I did not like the way he had directed his question at her as if he could divide us. We were on the same side her and I.

"And if I believe you... and give you what you want to know...what do I get out of it?" He asked as if he was trying to barter with me.

"Payback," I answered him.

"I have a counter-proposal. Suck my dick." He told me before sighing and passing out.

Luna was quickly at my side before I could even react to what was happening. I ran over to him and bent down slapping him on the face.

"Vladimir," I said as I tried to wake him.

"Shit," Luna said as she pulled down her mask and joined me leaning over him.

"He's not breathing!" She shouted as she felt his neck for a pulse.

She sounded truly terrified as if she actually cared about what happened to him.

"Call Claire, I'm going to start CPR!" She yelled at me as she started compressions on his chest.

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