Chapter 98

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The next morning the four of us stood outside of the office. Matt looked like shit I had stayed up the rest of the night meditating so that I was almost fully healed this morning. The only sign of the battle last night was the small bullet sized scar that remained on both sides of my right hand.

"Daredevil? That's what they're calling him now." Karen said as she held up the newspaper for us all to see. "The man in the mask."

"Daredevil? Sounds like he's gonna jump Snake River Canyon on his rocket cycle." Foggy joked, causing Matt to laugh.

"Hey I like it, it has a nice ring to it," I added in coming to Matts defense.

"It kind of does doesn't it?" Matt questioned his friends with a little pride in his voice.

"It's better than The Reaper," Karen told the group, causing me to roll my eyes at her.

"Hey, she's a badass," I said, defending myself.

"Didn't know you were so invested," Karen said as she gave me some serious side-eye.

"I'm not." I quickly replied.

"Okay, okay I thought it was a bit goofy at first, but it kinda grows on you. And it's better than The Devils Of Hells Kitchen and The Devils Reaper anyways." She went on to dry and defend herself.

"Not wrong there," Matt told her.

"I cannot believe this is the same guy that stopped that Union Allied suit from stabbing me in my apartment. That is a serious upgrade." Karen said as she looked at his picture in the newspaper again.

"I don't know. I think the horns are a bit much." Foggy said as he was hanging up the place. "There, done." He said as he stepped back.

"What do you think?" He asked us.

Matt reached out to touch the sign.

"Nelson and Murdock. Avocados at law." He said casing all of us to chuckle except Karen who looked confused.

"Avocadoes?" She asked.

"It's a long story. Which I do not have time to tell you. Promised Marci, I'd help her find a new job. Since most of the partners at Lendman and Zack are under indictment." Foggy told us.

"You two getting back together?" She asked him.

"No. I don't know. Maybe." He answered.

"Good job clearing that up," I said to him.

"Well, thank her for us. For everything she did helping bring Fisk down." Matt told him.

"Fisk still needs to go to trial. Just getting a court date alone could take up to a year." Foggy told us, causing my stomach to drop.

I did not want to wait that long. He needed to be punished now.

"That long?" Karen asked.

"He's where he belongs. That's all that matters. And we put him there." Matt said, and I could not tell if he was trying to convince himself or me.

I wanted to tell him that where he belonged was in the ground, but I knew none of them would agree with me.

"Yeah, we did. Hell of a sign." Foggy said as he looked back to the plack they had placed on the outside of the building.

"Now, all you need our clients," I told the two of them.

"One day at a time. One day at a time." Foggy told me.

"Guess that means we should get back to work," Karen told the two men.

"I should get going. I'll see you soon." I told the three of them even though truthfully I had no idea when I would be seeing any of them again.

I waved goodbye as I walked away from the three of them. Matt was quick to follow after me. When he reached me, he grabbed hold of my arm and spun me around, so I was looking at him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing." I lied.

"I know, I know when your lying." He reminded me.

"I'm just going to be leaving town for a little bit, and I didn't want you guys making a big deal about it," I told him.

"Leaving town? Where are you going? Last time you left town you disappeared for years." He told me.

I could tell he was worried, worried that I was going to disappear again. Truthfully I just might. The only thing for me in this town was the three of them. I just didn't know if they were worth the risk. The hand had found me here, and I would not be safe. Running would be the logical thing to do.

"I have some things I need to deal with," I answered him.

"Deal with what?" He asked a little more firmly than before.

The worry in his voice was now replaced with anger.

I looked over his shoulder to see Karen and Foggy were trying to listen. So I grabbed his arm and led him further down the street.

"If you must know, I'm bringing Vlad and Anatoly back to Russia. Then I am going to take some time to figure out what the hell I am going to do." I answered him.

"Figure out what? You belong here with us." He told me as he looked back towards the others.

I wanted to tell him he was right, but I could not bring myself to say the words.

"I don't know if that's true anymore," I answered him and I could tell he was hurt by my words.

"Now if you don't mind, I have things I need to do," I told him as I walked away from him leaving him standing there on the side of the road.

I hurried down the street, hoping he would not be able to tell I was crying. I knew he could tell he always could tell and know I knew why. I just needed to get away, to get away from this place. It was filled with horrible memories. That's why I left in the first place. I only stayed this long for Matt. He was enough for me to face all the shit that came with Hell's Kitchen. The question now was in this moment of my life was he worth staying? The answer was no. There was nothing and no one worth staying in this hell hole.

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